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Hairdresser services at home in Astana

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7 especialistas respondieron.
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119 MXN

María K.5.0(29)

136 MXN

Francisco L.5.0(32)

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Preguntas frecuentes

“Servicio de peluquería a domicilio” en Ciudad de Астана

What are the advantages of hiring a hairdresser for a home visit in Astana through inDrive.Services?

Hiring a hairdresser for a home visit through inDrive.Services provides several advantages for clients, making the service acquisition process more convenient and straightforward. First, the ordering process is as simple as possible—just fill out a simple form on the website or in the app, indicating your preferences and contact details. This significantly saves the client's time and effort, eliminating the need for trips to a beauty salon or long waits on the phone. Then, the client receives a quick response to their request and can choose a convenient time for the service, allowing them to plan their day according to their personal schedule. Additionally, inDrive.Services offers the opportunity to choose a specialist based on their portfolio and reviews, which gives the client confidence in the quality of the services provided and allows them to select the most suitable professional for their needs and preferences. This creates an additional level of trust and comfort for the client, ensuring a high level of satisfaction and convenience in the service acquisition process.

How long does a haircut usually take?

The time spent on a haircut depends on many factors, including hair length, texture, the complexity of the chosen hairstyle, and individual client characteristics. On average, a basic haircut can take from 30 minutes to an hour. However, more complex or meticulous hairstyles may require more time. It’s important to discuss expectations and preferences with the stylist in advance to consider all details and make the process as comfortable as possible for the client.
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‘Servicio de peluquería a domicilio’

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