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Household appliances repair and installation in Atyrau

Calificación promedio de los especialistas para este servicio
4.8 de 5
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"Reparación e instalación de electrodomésticos" en Атырау

Арман Ж.

7 reseñas
10 solicitudes
Identidad verificada
Быстрый и качественный ремонт стиральных и посудомоечных машин любой сложности: 1. Полная диагностика; 2. Замена любых деталей (ТЭНа, ремня, двигателя, помпы и.т.д); 4. Мелко-узловой ремонт любых деталей; 5. Наличие запасных частей на любые модели;
воспитанный молодой человек. пришёл с инструментами. ничего лишнего не навязывал. починил за хорошую стоимость.
Анна В, hace 3 meses

Саян Д.

60 reseñas
113 solicitudes
Identidad verificada
Сантехнические работы Сборка разборка мебели. Установка разеток, люстры, плафоны. Ремонт и установка бытовой техники. Фартук .Установка замков двери. Замена Смесителей, установка Титана и чистка
Очень замечательно зделал свою работу" быстро ,аккуратно "остались очень довольны его работай
Жалгас Жанзаков, hace 2 meses

Нурбек Н.

59 reseñas
74 solicitudes
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Сантехника, электрика бытовой техники ремонт плотник, опыт работы есть, приключения бытовой техники
- приехал по времени быстро - быстро всё сделал, объяснил в чем проблема - цена адекватная
Valeriy Ten, hace 2 meses
Muchos especialistas con altas calificaciones verán tu solicitud

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Con el servicio “Reparación e instalación de electrodomésticos” en Ciudad de Атырау

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Preguntas frecuentes

“Reparación e instalación de electrodomésticos” en Ciudad de Атырау

What types of home appliances repair and installation services are commonly requested in Atyrau?

Homeowners in Atyrau commonly request services such as repairing refrigerators, fixing washing machines, installing air conditioners, repairing ovens, installing dishwashers, and more.

How can I hire a home appliance repair and installation specialist in Atyrau through inDrive.Services?

Hiring a specialist through inDrive.Services is easy:
  • Visit our website and specify your location as Atyrau.

  • Fill out the form detailing your appliance issue or installation request.

  • Submit the request and start receiving offers from specialists in less than 5 minutes*.

  • Choose the best specialist based on their qualifications, reviews, and pricing.

Can I hire a specialist for urgent home appliance repairs in Atyrau?

Yes, through inDrive.Services, you can find specialists who are available for urgent repairs to your home appliances in Atyrau.

What payment methods are accepted when hiring home appliance specialists via inDrive.Services in Atyrau?

You can pay for the services directly through our platform using various payment methods including credit cards, electronic transfers, and other convenient options.

Are the specialists on inDrive.Services verified?

Yes, all specialists on our platform undergo thorough verification processes including documents checks to ensure reliability and quality service.

What are the benefits of using inDrive.Services to hire home appliance specialists in Atyrau?

Experience the following benefits:
  • Simple process: Just fill out the form and start receiving offers.

  • Quick responses: Get offers from specialists in less than 5 minutes*.

  • Informed choice: Select the best specialist based on reviews, qualifications, and pricing.

  • Verified experts: Rest assured that all specialists are thoroughly vetted for reliability and competence.

Can I get a quote before hiring a home appliance specialist in Atyrau?

Yes, specialists typically provide quotes along with their offers, allowing you to compare prices and make an informed decision.

Are there any additional fees when hiring a home appliance specialist through inDrive.Services in Atyrau?

There are no hidden fees. The price you see in the offer is the price you pay for the service.

How can I provide feedback on the service received from a home appliance specialist in Atyrau?

After the service is completed, you can leave feedback and rate the specialist based on your experience through our platform, helping other users make informed decisions.
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