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Cat groomming in Atyrau

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7 especialistas respondieron.
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119 MXN

María K.5.0(29)

136 MXN

Francisco L.5.0(32)

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“Estética para gatos” en Ciudad de Атырау

What does the grooming and hygiene for cats service in Atyrau usually include?

The grooming and hygiene for cats service in Atyrau typically includes a comprehensive range of treatments to keep your feline friend healthy and looking their best. Services often consist of bathing, brushing, nail trimming, ear cleaning, and dematting of fur. Depending on the specialist, you may also find additional services like flea treatments or specialized grooming care for specific breeds. These services are tailored to your cat's individual needs and can help prevent health issues related to poor hygiene.

What are the benefits of using inDrive.Specialists for finding specialists for your grooming and hygiene tasks?

Choosing inDrive.Specialists for your grooming and hygiene needs for your cat provides several significant advantages. First, it offers a quick and straightforward way to find a suitable groomer in Atyrau from a wide array of skilled professionals. With numerous specialists verified through ID checks during registration, you can hire with confidence. The pricing is transparent, as it’s set directly between you and the specialist, ensuring there are no hidden fees. Furthermore, you communicate directly with your groomer, allowing for personalized service tailored to your cat’s needs.

How can I order a grooming and hygiene for cats service in Atyrau using inDrive.Specialists?

To order a grooming and hygiene for cats service in Atyrau with inDrive.Specialists, simply download the app or visit our website. Start by browsing through our range of vetted specialists; each has a profile showcasing their expertise and client reviews. Once you’ve selected a specialist that meets your needs, you can directly connect with them to discuss details, schedule an appointment, and agree on pricing. Payment can be made conveniently through cash, card, or transfer, keeping the process hassle-free.

How do I ensure the grooming specialist is experienced in handling cats in Atyrau?

When using inDrive.Specialists, it’s essential to review the profiles of the grooming specialists. Most profiles include client feedback, ratings, and their specific experience in dealing with feline grooming. You can also directly inquire about their experience and any specialized certifications by communicating with them. This direct contact option allows you to ask any questions related to their qualifications, ensuring you choose an experienced specialist for your cat's grooming needs.
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