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Hairdresser services at home in Karaganda

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7 especialistas respondieron.
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119 MXN

María K.5.0(29)

136 MXN

Francisco L.5.0(32)

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“Servicio de peluquería a domicilio” en Ciudad de Караганда

What is the average price for a home hairdresser's services in Karaganda?

The average price for a hairdresser's home visit in Karaganda depends on several factors, including the stylist's demand, experience, and specialization, as well as the complexity of the service. Generally, basic services like haircuts or styling can range from 3000 to 5000 tenge. For more complex procedures such as coloring, highlighting, or perms, the cost may start from 7000 tenge and up, depending on the volume of work and materials used. Additionally, prices may vary depending on the time of day and day of the week: weekends and evening hours may be slightly more expensive. Don’t forget to clarify prices and service conditions with the specific stylist to avoid misunderstandings and ensure you’re aware of the agreed cost.

What services does a hairdresser provide?

A hairdresser offers a wide range of services aimed at hair care and creating stylish hairstyles. This includes not only haircuts and coloring but also services such as styling, special occasion hairstyles, hair and scalp care, head massages, and even manicure and pedicure services. The hairdresser may also provide shaving and beard trimming services, making them a full-fledged specialist in beauty and personal care.
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