¿Estás en Алматы?

Welders in Almaty

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4.8 de 5
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"Soldadores" en Алматы

Алишер Б.

2 reseñas
6 solicitudes
Identidad verificada
Имею опыт с разными сложностями если нет то найду людей кто устранить ваши проблемы обращайтесь!
Спасибо большое. Приехал поздно ночью, проверил объем работы. Утром вернулся чтобы все завершить.
Жанна Бафм, hace 3 meses

Нурым О.

11 reseñas
13 solicitudes
Identidad verificada
Сварщик ,кузнец 10лет занимаюсь сварычнымый работами в основном на электро сваркс и кемпи полу автомат ,заборы ,перилы ,оградки,решотки ,обрашаитесь!
Работа выполнена хорошо. Все, что требовалось, было выполнено. Особенно порадовало вежливое общение и отличная пунктуальность.
Сергей, hace 3 meses

Валерий С.

4 reseñas
9 solicitudes
Identidad verificada
Опыт работы на строительных площадках около 15лет. Дизайн,советы,организация,экономика.
Классный мастер . Хороший человек . Работу выполнил быстро , на отлично . Мы довольны .
Анель Сулейманова, hace 11 días
Muchos especialistas con altas calificaciones verán tu solicitud

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Con el servicio “Soldadores” en Ciudad de Алматы

Servicios en Ciudad de Алматы



Preguntas frecuentes

“Soldadores” en Ciudad de Алматы

What services can a welder offer in Almaty?

A welder provides a wide range of services related to welding materials. This can include routine repairs, such as fixing small cracks, and more complex projects involving the joining of metal parts to create strong and reliable structures.

What is the difference between a locksmith and a welder?

While a locksmith primarily works with the manufacturing and repair of metal structures, such as gates and fences, a welder focuses on the welding process itself. A welder specializes in joining metal materials using melting processes, resulting in strong and reliable connections.

What are the advantages of hiring a welder in Almaty through inDrive.Services?

  • Simple Ordering: Start your welding service request by filling out a simple form. It takes just a few minutes.

  • Fast Response from Masters: Begin receiving proposals from specialists within 5 minutes*. We value your time!

  • Personalized Choice: Choose a suitable welder for your project based on ratings, reviews, portfolio, or prices, giving you full control.

  • Verified Professionals: The safety of all our users is our priority, so all specialists registered on inDrive.Services undergo a verification process, including document checks.

How is payment for welder services provided by inDrive.Services in Almaty?

Payment for welder services on inDrive.Services is made directly from the client to the professional, without platform intervention. During negotiations, you and the specialist can agree on the most convenient payment method for both parties. This ensures safety, savings, and transparency in the hiring process.

Can I find a welder in Almaty working on holidays or weekends?

In inDrive.Services, you can find welders willing to work on holidays and weekends. This provides access to welding services when you need them most, even during non-working hours.

How do I hire the perfect welder for my tasks through inDrive.Services?

Finding the perfect welder through inDrive.Services is simple and quick. Just follow these steps:
  • Visit the inDrive.Services website.

  • Create a service request, specifying what you need to be done, including the price you're willing to pay, time, and location.

  • Choose the welder best suited to your requirements, based on their ratings and portfolio.

  • Contact the master and clarify order details.

  • Receive the service and rate the specialist to help future clients make informed decisions.

How can I leave feedback or a rating for the welder's services on the inDrive.Services platform?

After completing a project with a welder through inDrive.Services, you'll have the opportunity to leave feedback and provide comments on the platform. Your feedback can help other users make informed decisions when choosing a welder for their projects.
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