¿Estás en Астана?

Cleaning in Astana

Precio promedio por este servicio
 10,000 —  18,000
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"Limpieza" en Астана

Айгуль Е.

1 reseña
1 solicitud
Identidad verificada
Опыт работы 11 лет, убираю чисто и на совесть, Есть рекомендации!!!
Очень понравилась работа. Без спеха, но досконально убрала нашу квартиру
Нургуль, hace 2 días

Марина Д.

1 reseña
2 solicitudes
Identidad verificada
Качественная уборка помещений, домов, квартир, также после ремонта ,квартирантов,влажная и генеральная опыт работы 6 лет по всем вопросам обращаться в ватсап . Цена договорная
Девочки быстро всё убрали, качественно, спасибо за выполненную работу
Александринна Чёрная, hace 13 días

Рукият Г.

1 reseña
1 solicitud
Identidad verificada
Услуги клининг уборка.... После ремонта - 700 т за кв/м Генеральная уборка - 550 т кв/м Влажная уборка 400 т кв/м Имеется своя техника. Бытовая химия. Опыт более 3х лет!
Классная девушка, убралась на все 100. Работа очень понравилась
Аймереке, hace 22 días
Muchos especialistas con altas calificaciones verán tu solicitud

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Con el servicio “Limpieza” en Ciudad de Астана

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Preguntas frecuentes

“Limpieza” en Ciudad de Астана

Where can I book cleaning services in Astana using inDrive.Services?

You can book cleaning services for various places, such as apartments, houses, offices, public areas in multi-story buildings, and much more.

Can I regularly summon a cleaner in Astana?

Yes, you can order cleaning services as often as you need.

Can I request additional services, such as outdoor cleaning, laundry, or ironing, in addition to standard cleaning?

Certainly! On the platform, there are cleaners ready to provide additional services, such as cleaning the refrigerator, washing windows, laundry, and ironing. Specify these details when ordering the service.

Do I need to temporarily leave the house and take children or pets during the cleaning?

Not necessarily, but it's at your discretion. If, for safety or convenience reasons, you want to leave the cleaning area and relocate children or pets, it can be a good idea.

How much does cleaning typically cost in Astana?

In Astana, the average cost of cleaning a room starts from 10,000 ₸ per service, depending on the service requirements.

How is the payment for the cleaning service made through inDrive.Services?

Payment is made directly to the selected professional. Without intermediaries, it is ensured that the performer receives the full amount, and you won't pay a commission.

Why is it better to hire a cleaner through inDrive.Services in Astana?

When you use inDrive.Services, you gain access to thousands of verified professionals. The hiring process is quick and convenient, saving your time and effort.

How do I choose the perfect cleaner for my home or business?

  • Visit the inDrive.Services website.

  • Choose the service you need.

  • Fill out a short form.

  • In just 5 minutes*, cleaners will send you their proposals.

  • When choosing a cleaner, pay attention to the ratings, reviews, and proposed price from other clients.

  • In this way, inDrive.Services makes your experience with cleaning services simple and effective!
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