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German language in Astana

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119 MXN

María K.5.0(29)

136 MXN

Francisco L.5.0(32)

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Is it difficult to learn German?

difficulty in learning German depends on many factors, including the learner's native language, prior language experience, motivation, and learning methods. For speakers of languages ​​belonging to the Germanic group (such as English or Dutch), learning German may be relatively easier due to similar grammar and vocabulary. However, for speakers of languages ​​significantly different from German (for example, Chinese or Arabic), the process may be more complicated. One of the difficulties of the German language is its grammar, in particular the use of articles, cases and verb forms. However, regular practice and consistent study of grammar rules help overcome these difficulties. Pronunciation and intonation can also be challenging, especially for those not used to German sounds. However, with the help of audio materials and conversational practice, pronunciation can be significantly improved. It is important to remember that any language takes time and effort to learn, and German is no exception. With proper motivation and regular practice, you can achieve significant success in mastering the German language.

What is the average cost of a German lesson in Astana through inDrive.Services?

The cost of a German language lesson with a tutor in Astana through inDrive.Services may vary depending on the qualifications of the teacher, the duration of the lesson and the specifics of the training. Beginning teachers or students offering their services can charge lower prices. Experienced tutors with a high level of qualifications and extensive experience may charge a higher price per hour of lessons. In addition, the cost may vary depending on the specifics of the lesson: preparation for international exams, business German or intensive courses may cost more. It is also important to consider that some teachers offer discounts when purchasing a package of classes or for long-term cooperation. For accurate information, it is recommended to contact tutors on the inDrive.Services platform, where services and prices are discussed.
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