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Handyman in Atyrau

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4.6 de 5
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"Encargado de mantenimiento" en Атырау

Жасулан М.

4 reseñas
13 solicitudes
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Здравствуйте мастер Рустам выполняет все виды строительно отделочных работ сантехника электрика мелкосрочные бытовые работы по дому. Прочистка канализационных труб унитазов. Установка санузла 24/7ч
Спасибо большое. Помог вытащить шкаф. Приехал вовремя и быстро сделал свою работу. Рекомендую
Анастасия, hace 2 días


64 reseñas
97 solicitudes
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Здравствуйте уважаемые заказчики !выполняю услуги ремонт и обслуживание стиральных машин по электричестве замена розеток выключателей и люстры а так же мелко срочный ремонт и по сантехнике замена смесителей и т д при себе имею инструмеүты перфоратор болгарка шруповерт утюг делаю свою работу на совесть если не умею скажу что не умею)
Все как надо сделал, где сам не знаешь, помогает найти оптимальное решение, видно что на опыте. Рахмет
Асхат, hace 9 días

Сергей Д.

24 reseñas
36 solicitudes
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Работы с корпусной мебелью Работы по сантехнике Вызов чтоб просто приехать посмотреть 3000 если работа выполнена то вызов уже включен в сумму.
отличный мастер обращайтесь по любому вопросу поможет все аккуратно
Кенже Муканов, hace 9 días
Muchos especialistas con altas calificaciones verán tu solicitud

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Con el servicio “Encargado de mantenimiento” en Ciudad de Атырау

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Preguntas frecuentes

“Encargado de mantenimiento” en Ciudad de Атырау

What types of handyman services are commonly requested in Atyrau?

Handyman services in Atyrau cover a variety of tasks including plumbing, electrical work, carpentry, painting, and general home repairs.

How can I hire a handyman in Atyrau through inDrive.Services?

Hiring a handyman in Atyrau is easy:
  • Visit our website and specify Atyrau as your location.

  • Fill out the form detailing your repair or maintenance needs.

  • Submit the request and start receiving offers from skilled professionals within minutes*.

Can I hire a handyman in Atyrau for urgent repairs or installations?

Yes, through inDrive.Services, you can find a handyman in Atyrau who can assist with urgent repairs or installations, as many professionals are available to provide prompt assistance.

What payment methods are accepted when hiring a handyman in Atyrau through inDrive.Services?

You can pay for handyman services directly through our platform using various payment methods such as credit cards, electronic transfers, and other secure options.

Are the handyman services on inDrive.Services reliable and trustworthy?

Yes, all the handyman professionals on our platform undergo thorough verification processes, including documents checks and reviews, to ensure reliability and trustworthiness.

What are the benefits of using inDrive.Services to find a handyman in Atyrau?

Experience the advantages of using inDrive.Services:
  • Simple booking process: Easily request handyman services with just a few clicks.

  • Fast responses: Receive quotes from skilled professionals in as little as 5 minutes*.

  • Informed decision-making: Choose the best handyman based on ratings, reviews, and pricing.

  • Verified professionals: Rest assured knowing that all handyman professionals are thoroughly vetted for quality and reliability.

Can I get a cost estimate before hiring a handyman in Atyrau through inDrive.Services?

Yes, you can receive cost estimates from handyman professionals after submitting your request on our platform, allowing you to make an informed decision based on pricing and services offered.

What types of projects can a handyman in Atyrau assist with?

A handyman in Atyrau can help with various projects, including minor repairs, furniture assembly, appliance installations, painting, and other household tasks.

How can I ensure the quality of work done by the handyman hired through inDrive.Services?

You can review the ratings and feedback left by previous clients to gauge the quality of work provided by the handyman. Additionally, our platform ensures that only skilled and reliable professionals are available for hire.

Is there a guarantee on the work performed by the handyman hired through inDrive.Services?

While specific guarantees may vary depending on the professional, many of our handyman service providers offer warranties or guarantees on their workmanship to ensure customer satisfaction.
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