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Cleaning in Brasília

Precio promedio por este servicio
BRL 150 — BRL 170
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7 especialistas respondieron.
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119 MXN

María K.5.0(29)

136 MXN

Francisco L.5.0(32)

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Preguntas frecuentes

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What types of cleaning are included in a cleaning service in Brasília?

A cleaning service includes tasks like sweeping, vacuuming, dusting, surface cleaning, and bathroom cleaning. It may also cover kitchen and common area cleaning.

Should I choose a daily cleaner or a housekeeper for my home?

The choice will vary depending on your needs. Hiring a daily cleaner is a great option in the following scenarios:

When you share the space with others and order needs to be maintained.
When you want a personalized service to keep organization in check.
On the other hand, opting for a housekeeper is recommended in situations such as:
After a renovation, ensuring a thorough cleaning.
If the house hasn't had a deep clean in a long time, requiring a more intensive cleaning.
When you are moving and need to leave the property in perfect condition.

What is the step-by-step process to hire a cleaning professional in Brasília through inDrive.Services?

Here's how easy it is:
Log in or create an account on the platform.
Next, select the category "Cleaning" and choose the subcategory with the type of service you need.
Describe the job details and explore the profiles of available specialists. Read the reviews about them.
Choose the one that best fits. Finally, talk to the professional to finalize the details.

Do I need to store valuable objects during the cleaning?

All professionals on the platform are trustworthy, as they go through rigorous checks procedures, but it's always a good practice to store smaller valuable items in secure locations before cleaning to ensure they won't be handled or stored improperly.

Can I hire cleaning services only for residences through inDrive.Services?

In addition to residences, you can hire cleaning services for various environments such as commercial offices, condominiums, ceremonial spaces, and more.

Do I need to provide meals for the cleaning professional?

It's not mandatory, but if you wish, you can offer a meal as a gesture of courtesy. However, confirm these details before finalizing the agreement.

Do I need to leave the premises during the cleaning?

This is at the discretion of the client. If you prefer, for reasons of convenience or privacy, it may be a good idea to be absent from the room or area where the professional is during the cleaning.

Do I need to provide all cleaning materials?

The professional brings gloves, masks, and in some cases, special types of cloth. The client is responsible for providing items like brooms, mops, buckets, and specific cleaning products.

How much does a deep cleaning cost in Brasília?

The cost can vary widely, starting from R$120 for smaller spaces. We recommend consulting the professional before hiring, as different budgets are available on the platform.
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