¿Estás en Караганда?

Handyman in Karaganda

Precio promedio por este servicio
₸ 6,500 — ₸ 9,000
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7 especialistas respondieron.
Elige el mejor

119 MXN

María K.5.0(29)

136 MXN

Francisco L.5.0(32)

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Los especialistas calificaron
4.0 y superior en el servicio “Encargado de mantenimiento”

Crea una solicitud y recibe respuestas de estos y otros especialistas

Сергей Д.
Identidad verificada

43 solicitudes30 reseñas

Última reseña

Хороший специалист, сделал все быстро и качественно, в будущем буду ещё обращаться и советовать другим. Большое спасибо Сергею за выполненную работу!

Александр S.
Identidad verificada

151 solicitudes69 reseñas

Última reseña

Быстрая и качественная работа! Буду обращаться ещё.

Мурат Ш.
Identidad verificada

151 solicitudes78 reseñas

Última reseña

Мастер своего дела. Работай полностью довольна.

Саян Д.
Identidad verificada

123 solicitudes68 reseñas

Última reseña

Рахмет жумысынызга тиянакты. Жасап бергенизге Оз жумысын жаксы билетин агай

Бекзат Б.
Identidad verificada

36 solicitudes18 reseñas

Última reseña

Жұмысын өте ұқыпты, әрі тез орындайды. Мен сұрамаған затты да істеп берді . Рахмет, енді бір зат сынса осы кісіге хабарласамыз.

Евгений К.
Identidad verificada

39 solicitudes33 reseñas

Última reseña

Делали канализацию , сантехнику , и заливали пол , сделано все идеально , никаких претензий нет к работе , осталась очень довольна работой , спасибо.

Otras personas también buscan

Con el servicio “Encargado de mantenimiento” en Ciudad de Караганда

Servicios en Ciudad de Караганда



Preguntas frecuentes

“Encargado de mantenimiento” en Ciudad de Караганда

What types of jobs are included in the hourly services of a professional in Karaganda?

An hourly professional in Karaganda can assist with plumbing issues, perform electrical installation work, handle roof repairs, conduct maintenance on household appliances, and address other urgent tasks.

Why should I consider hiring an hourly professional in Karaganda through inDrive.Services?

Utilizing inDrive.Services for hourly services offers the following advantages:
  • Simple Ordering Process: Easily fill out a form to provide specialists with your requirements.

  • Quick Responses from Professionals: Within just 5 minutes*, you will start receiving initial recommendations from experienced professionals.

  • Informed Choice: Choose a specialist based on their ratings, reviews, previous projects, or pricing that aligns with your preferences.

  • Verified Professionals: Every specialist undergoes a thorough verification process, including identity checks and criminal record checks.

How can I book hourly services from a professional in Karaganda through inDrive.Services?

To book hourly services, follow these steps:
  • Fill out a brief form to provide specialists with details about your request.

  • Approximately 5 minutes* after submission, you will start receiving initial proposals from experienced professionals.

  • Choose the most suitable hourly professional based on their ratings, reviews, portfolio, and prices.

What safety measures does inDrive.Services take when verifying professionals?

Your safety is our priority. All professionals on the inDrive.Services platform go through a verification process, including identity checks and criminal record checks. To further enhance your confidence in these professionals, we provide a rating and review system for customers to share their experiences.

Do hourly professionals in Karaganda provide emergency services outside of regular business hours?

Yes, some hourly professionals are available to provide emergency services outside of their regular business hours, offering greater flexibility to meet your needs. When booking a service, be sure to select a time that suits your schedule, including weekends and holidays.

How long does it typically take for an hourly professional in Karaganda to respond to a service request?

The average response time on the inDrive.Services platform is around 5 minutes*, but it may vary depending on the time of placing the order.
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