¿Estás en Кокшетау?

Plomeros en Кокшетау

Calificación promedio de los especialistas para este servicio
4.6 de 5
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"Plomeros" en Кокшетау

Аман Б.

20 reseñas
31 solicitudes
Identidad verificada
Слесар,_Сантехник "Кызылжар СУ",работал ,сейчас раб сантехникам ,,любые работы по сантехнике
Все сделал четко и профессионально Работой довольны Рекомендую 👍🏼
Айна Санаторная, hace 3 días

Анатолий А.

42 reseñas
55 solicitudes
Identidad verificada
Любые работы, связанные с сантехникой
Отличный мастер. Всем рекомендую. Быстро, качественно,не дорого!
Данияр Шахманов, hace 1 día

Саян Д.

63 reseñas
117 solicitudes
Identidad verificada
Сантехнические работы Сборка разборка мебели. Установка разеток, люстры, плафоны. Ремонт и установка бытовой техники. Фартук .Установка замков двери. Замена Смесителей, установка Титана и чистка
Айтқан уақытында келіп, сапалы әрі тез жасап берді, рақмет👍🏻👍🏻
Айдана Турсынхан, hace 7 días
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Preguntas frecuentes

“Plomeros” en Ciudad de Кокшетау

What plumbing services can I find in Kokshetau?

Plumbers in Kokshetau provide a variety of services, including repair and replacement of plumbing equipment, fixing leaks, installing water heaters and plumbing fixtures, as well as cleaning and servicing water supply and sewage systems.

How can I hire a plumber in Kokshetau through inDrive.Services?

Finding and hiring a plumber in Kokshetau on our platform is easy:
  • Visit our website and select the category "Repairs and Construction," then choose the service "Plumbers."

  • Fill out the form to provide details of your problem or request to the masters.

  • Submit your request and start receiving offers from plumbers within 5 minutes* after submission.

What are the average costs of plumbing services in Kokshetau?

Prices for plumbing services in Kokshetau may vary depending on the specific work required. Typically, rates range from 5000 to 15000 tenge per hour of work. Please note that the final cost will depend on the complexity of the task.

Can I hire a plumber in Kokshetau for an emergency?

Yes, through inDrive.Services, you can find a plumber in Kokshetau ready to help even in case of an emergency. Just specify the urgency in your request to receive relevant offers.

How can I ensure that the plumber hired through inDrive.Services is reliable?

All plumbers featured on our platform undergo thorough verification before being available for hire.

Is there a warranty on the work performed by a plumber from inDrive.Services?

We do not provide warranties on work, as plumbers work as independent contractors. However, you can discuss a warranty directly with the master, as many professionals on inDrive.Services offer a warranty on their work.
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