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Vehicle electricians in Павлодар

Calificación promedio de los especialistas para este servicio
4.6 de 5
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Especialistas con altas calificaciones

"Electricistas automotrices" en Павлодар

Ханлар М.

28 reseñas
70 solicitudes
Identidad verificada
Авто электрик стаж работы более 10 лет
быстро приехал все объяснил показал в чем проблема хороший специалист
Камиль Арупов, hace 2 meses

Сергей Д.

33 reseñas
53 solicitudes
Identidad verificada
Мелко срочные работы по дому, выездное сто, сантехник электрик, доставка, замена розеток,выключателей,смесителей,кранов,доставка заменяемого или ремонтного оборудования. РЭД,КРЕДИТ, РАССРОЧКА
Отличный парень👍 помог завести машину, разобрался нашел причину и оживил нашего коня! Обращайтесь не пожалеете !
Сауле Касенбаева, hace 2 meses

Дмитрий О.

13 reseñas
16 solicitudes
Identidad verificada
Диагностика, поиск неисправностей и устранение по электричеству. Обнаружение коротких замыканий и обрывов электропроводки. Замена и установка автоматов, узо, розеток, выключателей и т.д. Ремонт и подключение электроприборов и оборудования. Мелкий ремонт по дому. Опыт работы 17 лет. Качественно, не дорого.
Мастер своего дела. Большое спасибо. Были небольшие трудности, справился профессионально, ответственно. Будем обращаться еще. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻💐💐💐
Саягул Жаркымбек, hace 2 meses
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Con el servicio “Electricistas automotrices” en Ciudad de Павлодар

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Preguntas frecuentes

“Electricistas automotrices” en Ciudad de Павлодар

What services do auto electricians offer on your platform?

The auto electricians on our platform offer a wide range of services, including diagnostics, wiring repairs, battery replacements, alternator repairs, starter repairs, troubleshooting electrical systems, and much more, ensuring smooth operation of your vehicle's electrical components.

Do auto electricians from inDrive.Services offer both mobile and garage services in Pavlodar?

At inDrive.Services, you have access to auto electricians who can come to you anywhere, whether it's your home, workplace, or any other specified address in Pavlodar. Additionally, many of our specialists work from well-equipped garages where they can provide comprehensive services for your car's electrical needs.

How can I book auto electrician services in Pavlodar through inDrive.Services?

Booking the perfect auto electrician on our platform is easy and convenient:
  • Visit our website or open the inDrive app and select the inDrive.Services category.

  • Choose the auto electrician services category and fill out a brief form describing your problem.

  • Receive proposals from professionals approximately 5 minutes* after submitting your request.

  • Review the offers, considering factors such as ratings, reviews, portfolio, and pricing, then choose the most suitable auto electrician for your needs.

  • Contact the chosen specialist to discuss the details of your car's problem and arrange the service.

  • Receive the service and leave feedback to help improve our platform and assist other users.

Is it safe to book auto electricians in Pavlodar through inDrive.Services?

Yes, your safety is our priority. We thoroughly check each auto electrician before approving their profile on our platform. This includes verifying their identity and documents to provide you with peace of mind when hiring specialists through inDrive.Services.

Why should I use your platform to find auto electrician services in Pavlodar?

There are several reasons to choose us for booking qualified auto electricians:
  • Time-saving: Our quick and simple service request process guarantees receiving offers from professionals within just 5 minutes* after placing your order.

  • Choose the best: Select the most suitable auto electrician based on reviews, verified expertise, and competitive prices.

  • Cost control: Discuss and negotiate the final budget directly with the specialist without intermediaries, ensuring full control over expenses.

  • Trusted professionals: All auto electricians on inDrive.Services undergo thorough verification, including identity and document checks.

What are the key benefits of booking auto electrician services through our platform?

Experience the benefits we offer when booking auto electrician services through inDrive.Services:
  • Convenient service request: Quickly and easily submit your request through our platform.

  • Fast responses from experts: Receive proposals from auto electricians within 5 minutes* after submitting your request.

  • Informed decision-making: Choose the best auto electrician based on ratings, reviews, portfolio, or prices.

  • Price negotiations: Discuss and agree on the price directly with the specialist, ensuring transparency and fair pricing.

  • Verified expertise: Rest assured that all specialists have undergone rigorous verification, including identity and document checks.
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