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Shutter cleaning in Pavlodar

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119 MXN

María K.5.0(29)

136 MXN

Francisco L.5.0(32)

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“Limpieza de persianas” en Ciudad de Павлодар

What should be used to clean blinds?

For effective cleaning of blinds, it is recommended to use a soft brush or a vacuum cleaner with a soft surface attachment. This helps remove dust and dirt accumulated on the surface. For deeper cleaning, you can use a warm water solution with a mild detergent. After cleaning, the blinds should be thoroughly rinsed and dried to avoid streaks and stains.

Can I hire a specialist for blind cleaning in Pavlodar?

Yes, you can hire a specialist for blind cleaning in Pavlodar. Many companies currently offer professional services for cleaning and maintaining window structures, including blinds. For example, inDrive.Services provides a wide range of cleaning and maintenance services in Pavlodar, including blind cleaning.
The cost of blind cleaning services in Pavlodar may vary depending on several factors, such as window size, the number of blinds, the level of contamination, and the chosen cleaning methods. On average, the price for blind cleaning in Pavlodar through inDrive.Services is approximately 3,000 tenge per window.
The advantages of hiring specialists for blind cleaning include a professional approach, the use of specialized cleaning products and equipment, as well as saving time and effort for the property owners.
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