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Flat and house renovation in Porto Alegre

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119 MXN

María K.5.0(29)

136 MXN

Francisco L.5.0(32)

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Con el servicio “Renovación de departamentos y casas” en Ciudad de Porto Alegre

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“Renovación de departamentos y casas” en Ciudad de Porto Alegre

What are the differences between home renovation and home remodeling?

Home remodeling typically involves significant structural alterations, such as changes in room layout, expanding spaces, replacing floors, walls, or roofs, among other interventions that modify the physical structure of the house.
On the other hand, home renovation refers to aesthetic and functional improvements without necessarily involving structural changes. This may include updating finishes, painting, changing coverings, modernizing electrical and plumbing installations, among other details aimed at revitalizing and updating the environment without modifying its basic structure.

What are the professionals responsible for interior renovation projects?

Professionals responsible for interior renovation projects may include interior architects, interior designers, decorators, civil engineers, and technicians specialized in residential renovations. Each of these professionals has specific skills and knowledge to efficiently and aesthetically plan and execute interior renovation projects, considering the needs and preferences of the client.
To discover which one is ideal for your case, you can specify the service through an interactive menu here on the platform, which provides questions and directions to specific professionals. Another option is to delve into the tasks performed by each of them.

How does payment work for this type of service if I hire through the inDrive.Services platform?

Payment for home renovation services contracted through the inDrive.Services platform is made directly between the client and the hired professional or company. The platform acts as an intermediary in connecting clients and service providers, facilitating the hiring process, but does not interfere with payment. Generally, payment is made in installments, as there may be larger expenses, but this is agreed upon between the parties before the start of the project, whether it is done through bank transfer, credit card, or other forms of payment acceptable to both the client and the service provider.

Can any type of residence receive this type of renovation service?

Yes, any type of residence, whether it's a house, apartment, small, large, or very old, can receive renovation services. Renovation services can be adapted according to the specific characteristics and needs of each type of residence. Whether to update an outdated environment, address structural issues, or simply revitalize the aesthetics of the space, renovation services can be applied to different types of residences, provided there is a prior evaluation of the property's conditions and appropriate planning for the necessary interventions.

What are the main advantages of hiring home renovation specialists in Porto Alegre through inDrive.Services?

Among several, the main advantages of hiring home renovation specialists in Porto Alegre through inDrive.Services are:
  • Variety of Options: The platform offers a wide variety of home renovation specialists, allowing clients to choose professionals with experience and specific skills to meet their needs.

  • Ease of Access: With inDrive.Services, clients have quick and convenient access to a variety of home renovation specialists, all in one place. This saves time and effort in searching for qualified professionals.

  • Transparency and Credibility: The platform provides detailed information about home renovation specialists, including reviews from previous clients and project portfolios. This helps clients make informed decisions and choose reliable and qualified professionals.

  • Simplified Process with No Fees: inDrive.Services streamlines the entire hiring process, from searching for specialists to payment for services rendered. This prevents the home renovation process from starting with headaches for clients.
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