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Furniture dry cleaning in São Paulo

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4.2 de 5
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"Limpieza de muebles en seco" en São Paulo

André F.

1 reseña
1 solicitud
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Sou especialista no ramo de Higienização e impermeabilização de estofados em geral, trabalho a 4 anos nessa área .
Recomendo a todos!! Profissional experiente, pontual e ótima qualidade.
FelippeAugusto MessiasdaSilva, hace 13 días

Leonardo B.

1 reseña
2 solicitudes
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Experiência em lavagem de estofados residenciais, colchões, cadeiras... e acentos de automóveis. Experiência com pinturas residenciais internas e externas. Atendo Salvador e região!
Foi extremamente educado, ágil e a limpeza ficou impecável!
Emily Santos, hace 6 meses

Iran S.

1 reseña
1 solicitud
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Manutenção motor portão garagem,centrais de interfones,fechaduras elétricas,porteiros eletrônicos coletivos e residenciais serviços de elétrica,cerca elétrica.
Profissional experiente. Trabalho impecável. Super recomendo
Jaqueline Vilaronga, hace 11 meses
Muchos especialistas con altas calificaciones verán tu solicitud

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Preguntas frecuentes

“Limpieza de muebles en seco” en Ciudad de São Paulo

What is furniture dry cleaning?

Dry cleaning is a furniture cleaning process that uses a minimal amount of water, prioritizing the use of specific products to ensure effective and thorough cleaning.

Which furniture can I hire a specialist for dry cleaning at inDrive.Services in São Paulo?

You can hire a specialist for dry cleaning the following furniture in São Paulo: Sofa, Armchair, Chair, Bed and others.

What is the difference between dry cleaning and cleaning with using water? Which one is more suitable for my furniture?

The main difference between dry cleaning and water-based cleaning is the amount of water used. Dry cleaning uses a small amount of water, prioritizing specific products. This option is more suitable for furniture that may be damaged by water or requires quick drying.

Is dry cleaning of furniture really efficient?

Yes, having your furniture professionally dry cleaned is efficient and provides satisfactory results. The products and techniques used in dry cleaning are designed to ensure a complete cleaning, removing mites, bacteria, and unwanted odors.

Do I need to leave the furniture in the sun after dry cleaning?

It is not necessary to leave the furniture in the sun after dry cleaning. Since this process uses a minimal amount of water, drying is quick and does not require prolonged sun exposure.

What are the benefits of hiring a dry cleaning professional at inDrive.Services?

Hiring a dry cleaning professional at inDrive.Services comes with several amazing advantages:
  • The process is super simple and fast. Just fill out a form and your request is made. In up to 7 minutes*, you'll start receiving offers from specialists. And the best part is that the final decision is in your hands.
  • You choose the specialist based on ratings, reviews, portfolios, and prices that fit what you're looking for.
  • You have total control over the service price. You and the specialist discuss all the details and come to an agreement without the platform interfering.

Why is it safe to hire a specialist at inDrive.Services for furniture dry cleaning in São Paulo?

It is safe to hire a specialist at inDrive.Services because all professionals go through a verification process, including identity and criminal background checks. Additionally, the platform offers the convenience of direct price negotiation and payment, ensuring transparency and security.

How do I pay for a dry cleaning service offered at inDrive.Services?

Payment for furniture dry cleaning service at inDrive.Services is made directly from the client to the professional. During negotiations, the client and specialist can agree on the payment method that is most convenient for both. This approach, in addition to being more practical and cost-effective, provides security and transparency in the hiring process.

How do I hire a furniture dry cleaning specialist at inDrive.Services in São Paulo?

To hire a dry cleaning professional at inDrive.Services in São Paulo, follow these simple steps:
  • Choose the service you need to be done
  • Dry Cleaning of Furniture.
  • Fill out a brief form providing the details of the service you need.
  • After submitting the request, you will start receiving proposals from specialists in up to 7 minutes*.
  • Review the offers, including ratings, reviews, portfolios, and prices of the specialists.
  • Choose the professional that best meets your needs and get in touch with them to discuss the service details.
  • After agreeing on the details, proceed with the payment directly to the specialist.
There you go! Now you're on the right track to have your furniture cleaned and refreshed by a dry cleaning professional at inDrive.Services.
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