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Encargado de mantenimiento en Уральск

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"Encargado de mantenimiento" en Уральск

Жасулан М.

4 reseñas
14 solicitudes
Identidad verificada
Здравствуйте мастер Рустам выполняет все виды строительно отделочных работ сантехника электрика мелкосрочные бытовые работы по дому. Прочистка канализационных труб унитазов. Установка санузла 24/7ч
Спасибо большое. Помог вытащить шкаф. Приехал вовремя и быстро сделал свою работу. Рекомендую
Анастасия, hace 8 días

Бахытжан М.

30 reseñas
37 solicitudes
Identidad verificada
Опыт работы в сантехнике более 5 лет. Работаю качественно.Замена замков дверей,подключение варочных и духовых шкафов,установка кронштейнов и карнизов.
Отличный мастер на все руки! Все аккуратно, быстро, без лишних слов. Өз ісіне жауапты, тиянақты, өте жақсы адам екен🙌
Данияр Нургожин, hace 1 día

Руслан Н.

80 reseñas
155 solicitudes
Identidad verificada
Установка выключателей; - Установка розеток; - Установка электрических счетчиков; - Установка автоматов; - Установка осветительных приборов; - Установка точечных светильников; - Установка стабилизаторов напряжения; - Поиск скрытой проводки, восстановление; поврежденного участка; - Установка внутренних электрощитов; - Монтаж электропроводки; - Устранение неисправности в электропроводке: в доме, квартире и офисе; - Установка и ремонт люстр, бра, плафонов; - Ремонт розеток и выключателей; - Установка счетчиков и их перенос; - Установка электропечей, а также их ремонт; - Установка и ремонт бытовой техники
Специалист своего дела. Огромное Спасибо. Буду ещё обращаться
desty, hace 3 días
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Preguntas frecuentes

“Encargado de mantenimiento” en Ciudad de Уральск

What types of handymen services are available in Uralsk through inDrive.Services?

Handymen on our platform offer a wide range of services including plumbing, electrical work, painting, carpentry, furniture assembly, and general home repairs.

How can I find a reliable handyman in Uralsk using inDrive.Services?

To find a reliable handyman in Uralsk, simply fill out a brief form detailing your requirements, select your preferred date and time, and suggest an expected price. You'll start receiving proposals from verified experts in about 5 minutes after submitting your request.

What are the benefits of using inDrive.Services to find handymen in Uralsk?

  • Variety of services: Access a diverse range of skilled handymen offering various services to meet your needs.

  • Quick responses: Receive proposals from verified experts within about 5 minutes** after submitting your request.

  • Verified professionals: Our handymen undergo thorough verification processes, including identity and criminal background checks.

  • Informed decision-making: Review ratings, reviews, and portfolios of handymen to make an informed choice.

  • Transparent communication: Communicate directly with handymen to discuss your requirements and the service process, ensuring clarity and satisfaction.

What factors determine the cost of hiring a handyman in Uralsk?

The cost of hiring a handyman in Uralsk can vary based on the complexity of the task, the materials required, and the handyman's expertise. For an accurate estimate, we recommend submitting your request on our platform and reviewing the proposals you receive.

Can handymen in Uralsk from inDrive.Services assist with emergency repairs?

Yes, many of our handymen offer emergency repair services. Simply specify your urgency in the request form, and we'll connect you with available professionals who can address your needs promptly.

Do handymen on inDrive.Services provide warranty or guarantee for their services in Uralsk?

The warranty or guarantee for services provided by handymen may vary depending on the individual professional. We recommend discussing this directly with the handyman you choose to hire to ensure clarity and satisfaction.

How can I pay for the services rendered by a handyman in Uralsk through inDrive.Services?

Payment methods may vary depending on the handyman you choose. Some may accept cash, while others may prefer online payment methods. We recommend discussing payment options directly with the chosen handyman to ensure a smooth transaction.

Are the handymen on inDrive.Services insured in case of accidents or damages in Uralsk?

While we verify the identity and credentials of handymen on our platform, insurance coverage may vary among individual professionals. We advise discussing insurance coverage directly with the handyman you plan to hire to address any concerns regarding accidents or damages.

How can I leave a review for the handyman services I received in Uralsk through inDrive.Services?

After receiving services from a handyman, you can leave a rating and review on the spacialist on our platform. Your review will help future clients make informed decisions, and it also serves as valuable feedback for the handyman to improve their services.
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