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Electricians in Cali

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4.9 / 5
17 250
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Рейтингісі жоғары мамандар

Cali орнындағы «Электршілер»

Francisco M.

2 шолу
3 тапсырыс
Жеке куәлігі тексерілген
Mas de 10 años en instalaciones eléctricas recidencial, industrial, comercial, reformas, montaje de gabinetes, contadores, instalación de ventilador de techo, duchas eléctricas,tramites ante el operador de red, epm legalización de instalaciones,reparación de todo tipo de electrodoméstico, instalación de todo tipo de luminarias, técnico electricista con tarjeta profecional conté, trabajos de plomeria y pintura de casa, mantenimiento aire acondicionado
Muy responsable en su trabajo, terminó muy rápido y las cosas bien hechas. No tuve ningún inconveniente con la certificación de la energía. Recomendado
Alex Torres, 27 күн бұрын

Dairo Antonio M.

2 шолу
3 тапсырыс
Жеке куәлігі тексерілген
Hola Saludos ! Antes de hablarte sobre mi experiencia, quiero decirte que soy una persona muy responsable, RESPETUOSO, proactivo y sobre todo, muy HONESTO. SOY POLIVALENTE. Electricista y mecánico (electromecánico) certificado. (ITM y SENA) Tengo experiencia en mantenimiento locativo e industrial. Hago trabajos de electricidad y mecánica Residencial y todo lo relacionado. -Pintura -resane -plomeria -arreglo de electrodomésticos -armado de muebles TODO LO RELACIONADO CON EL MANTENIMIENTO RESIDENCIAL. TENGO TRANSPORTE Y GUACAL Para transportar a tu mascota, tengo la experiencia, los implementos y un auxiliar. Realizó todo tipo de trabajo ya que cuento con más de 10 años de experiencia en todo tipo de trabajo. Te ayudaré en todo lo que necesites.
Super recomendado. Muy hinestk, educado, ágil he inteligente.
Maria Ceballos Jimenez, 1 ай бұрын

Juan David P.

21 шолу
23 тапсырыс
Жеке куәлігі тексерілген
Reparación y mantenimiento de electrodomésticos, plomería en general, redes eléctricas y mantenimiento, pintura. Trabajo garantizado, honestidad y cumplimiento.
Excelente servicio, serio, amable y muy efectivo, 100% recomendado. muchas gracias!
Camilo Hüssain, 1 ай бұрын
Көптеген жоғары рейтингі бар мамандар тапсырысыңызды көреді

Алматы қаласындағы қызметтер

Cali қаласында «Электршілер» қызметі арқылы

Ұқсас қызметтер

Cali қаласындағы қызметтер




Cali қаласында «Электршілер»

What services can an electrician offer in Cali?

An electrician is a professional who deals with various aspects of electrical installations in different environments, including residential, commercial, and industrial locations. Their services encompass the installation, repair, and maintenance of cables, electrical devices, electronic equipment, and power networks. Additionally, electricians also handle the assembly, adjustment, installation, and maintenance of a wide range of electrical appliances. This includes tasks such as setting up electrical panels, wiring for homes and businesses, lighting systems, security devices, electric heating solutions, automation equipment, and voltage control systems.

What types of electricians are available through the inDrive.Services platform?

On the inDrive.Services platform, you can find electricians specialized in three main categories: residential, commercial, and industrial. It's important to note that we also offer services from automotive electricians. Therefore, you can find the ideal expert for whatever you need on our platform, regardless of your specific requirements.

What are the advantages of hiring an electrician through inDrive.Services?

  • Simplified Ordering Process: Simply fill out a form to submit your request to verified electricians.

  • Quick Responses from Specialists: Receive initial offers from professionals within 5 minutes** after submitting your request.

  • Experience-Based Choice: Select a specialist based on the qualifications and reviews of other clients, their portfolios, or prices. You have control and can negotiate the price directly with the chosen specialist.

  • Verified Specialists: All specialists go through a verification process that includes checking their identity and background.

How can I hire a professional electrician in Cali through the inDrive.Services platform?

Hiring a qualified electrician in Cali through inDrive.Services is a simple and user-friendly process:
  • Start by completing a form with details about your electrical project.

  • Once you've submitted your request, in approximately 5 minutes**, you'll start receiving competitive proposals from experienced professionals.

  • You have total control to choose the electrician that best fits your needs, considering factors such as qualifications, reviews, service descriptions, and prices.

Why should I trust the specialists available on inDrive.Services?

There are several compelling reasons to have confidence in the specialists operating through inDrive.Services. Firstly, every professional featured on our platform goes through a rigorous verification process, including identity confirmation and background review. Additionally, our community of clients provides ratings and feedback on the services provided by these specialists, ensuring that you are hiring a qualified professional for the job.

What is the payment process for services provided by electricians on inDrive.Services?

The payment process is simple and transparent. Once you have selected the electrician that best fits your needs, you can discuss the preferred payment method directly with the professional. Payments are made directly to the electrician, without the involvement of platform intermediaries. This ensures a clear and convenient process for all parties involved.

Can I hire an electrician in Cali who offers services outside standard business hours?

Yes, on inDrive.Services, you can find electricians who offer services outside conventional business hours. If you need electrical assistance during non-standard hours, simply specify your needs when completing the request form. Several electricians are available to meet your demands, offering the flexibility you need to address electrical issues at any time.

Should I choose a Residential or Commercial Electrician for what I need?

A Residential Electrician specializes in addressing electrical issues in domestic environments, with expertise in electrical installations and repairs for homes and apartments. On the other hand, a Commercial Electrician focuses on electrical work in commercial buildings and condominiums, dealing with more complex electrical systems designed for multiple occupants. Both professionals have electrical skills, but their areas of expertise differ. Therefore, it's important to choose the electrician with relevant experience for your specific project. Hiring a qualified electrician in Cali has never been easier and more convenient than with inDrive.Services. Our platform provides you with access to a broad catalog of certified and reviewed electricians, ready to meet your electrical needs, regardless of the project's scope or timeline.
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