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Hair curling in Aktau

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How to curl thick hair?

To effectively curl thick hair, use a curling iron or wand with a higher heat setting to ensure thorough penetration. Divide your hair into smaller sections to manage its volume and density, and curl each section carefully. Hold the curl slightly longer than you would with thinner hair to ensure it sets properly. After curling, let your hair cool completely before gently separating the curls with your fingers or a wide-tooth comb. This helps maintain volume and definition without compromising the curl's structure. Professionals in cities like Aktau often recommend using treatments that enhance curl definition and provide heat protection to maintain the health and appearance of thick hair when styling.

Can I perm my hair by myself?

While it is possible to perm your hair at home, achieving professional results often requires the expertise of an experienced stylist. They can assess your hair type, choose the right perm solution, and ensure even application for consistent curls. Professional stylists have access to high-quality products and tools that help achieve successful and long-lasting perms. They can also provide aftercare advice to help maintain your curls' health and shape over time.
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