Você está em Алматы?

Instalação do sensor de estacionamento em Алматы

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'Instalação do sensor de estacionamento' na cidade de Алматы

What does the parking sensor installation service in Almaty include?

The parking sensor installation service in Almaty includes mounting sensors on the front or rear bumper, connecting them to the vehicle's system, adjusting the sensitivity, and testing the device's functionality. The specialist can also help you choose the best equipment for your car.

Why should you choose inDrive.Services for parking sensor installation in Almaty?

inDrive.Services provides a convenient way to find experienced specialists for parking sensor installation in Almaty. You can negotiate the price directly with the specialist and receive quality service without unnecessary costs.

What is the price of parking sensor installation in Almaty?

The price of parking sensor installation in Almaty usually starts from 15,000 KZT, but it may vary depending on the number of sensors and the complexity of the work. The exact cost can be discussed with the specialist through inDrive.Services.

How quickly can a parking sensor be installed through inDrive.Services?

Parking sensor installation can be completed within one to two days after placing the order, depending on the availability of the specialist. inDrive.Services allows you to choose a convenient time for the installation.

Can the installation of parking sensors be combined with other services?

Yes, you can order the installation of a rearview camera or other car accessories along with the parking sensors.
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‘Instalação do sensor de estacionamento’

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