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German language Almaty

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R$ 35

Ana P.5.0(29)

R$ 40

Marcos L.5.0(32)

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How long does it take to learn German?

The time required to learn German depends on a number of factors, including initial level of knowledge, purpose of study, intensity of study and individual abilities of the student. According to the European Framework of Reference for Languages, approximately 80-100 hours of study are required to achieve level A1 (beginner level). Level A2 will require about 100-150 more hours. Level B1 (intermediate) may require around 350-400 hours, and level B2 (upper intermediate) will require another 200-250 hours. Levels C1 and C2 (advanced and professional) may require an additional 400-600 hours. However, these are averages and the process may take a different amount of time for each student. It is important to consider that regular study and practice play a key role in successful language acquisition. Many students also note that immersion in a language environment, such as traveling or communicating with native speakers, significantly speeds up the learning process.

What is the best way to learn German?

One of the most effective ways to master the German language is to study by searching for a German language tutor through the inDrive.Services platform. Firstly, individual lessons allow you to tailor the training program to the specific needs and goals of the student, be it preparing for exams, improving speaking skills or learning professional vocabulary. The teacher can pay attention to weak points and develop an individual teaching strategy. Secondly, personal lessons provide a high level of interaction with the teacher, which contributes to better learning and rapid progress. The student gets the opportunity to practice speaking, ask questions and receive instant feedback. Thirdly, a flexible lesson schedule allows you to choose a convenient time and place for lessons, which is especially important for busy people. inDrive.Services offers a wide selection of qualified German language tutors, which makes it possible to choose a specialist who meets your requirements and preferences. Finally, classes with an experienced tutor allow you to use a variety of learning methods, such as interactive activities, audio and video materials, which makes the learning process more interesting and effective.
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