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Hair curling Almaty

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How to curl the ends of your hair effectively?

To curl your hair ends effectively, start by selecting a curling iron or wand that matches your hair length and has an appropriate barrel size. Section your hair into smaller parts and wrap each around the barrel, focusing on the ends. Hold each curl for a few seconds before gently releasing it. For a natural look, alternate the direction of the curls and lightly tousle them with your fingers once they have cooled. This technique results in soft, voluminous curls that enhance your hair's overall texture.

What does a hair curling session typically include in Almaty?

In Almaty, a hair curling session typically begins with a consultation where your stylist assesses your hair type and discusses your desired curl outcome. The process usually involves washing your hair to remove any products and residues. Then, a chemical solution is applied to break and rebuild the bonds in your hair, followed by wrapping sections around curling rods or rollers. The solution is left on for a specified time, often under heat, to set the curls. Afterward, the rods are removed, and your hair is washed and conditioned to lock in the curls and maintain hair health.
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