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Hairdresser services at home in Atyrau

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R$ 35

Ana P.5.0(29)

R$ 40

Marcos L.5.0(32)

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Com o serviço "Cabeleireiro" na cidade de Атырау

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'Serviços de cabeleireiro a domicílio' na cidade de Атырау

What should a hairdresser know and be able to do?

A hairdresser is not just a performer but a true specialist in hair and scalp care. They should have knowledge of different hair types, their structure, and growth characteristics. First, the hairdresser must be able to choose the right haircut and styling according to the client's individual features, taking into account their face shape, hair type, and preferences. Knowledge of the latest trends in fashion and style is also an important aspect of a hairdresser's professionalism. Then, it’s essential for the stylist to possess communication skills to effectively interact with clients and understand their needs. Being able to work safely and effectively with professional equipment and chemical products is also an integral part of a hairdresser’s professional skills. Overall, a hairdresser should be ready for continuous learning and improvement of their skills to provide clients with the most modern and high-quality services.

When is it time to cut hair?

The question of when it’s time to cut hair depends on the individual characteristics of each person and their desired hairstyle. However, in general, it is recommended to cut hair every 6-8 weeks to maintain its shape and health. This helps prevent split ends and keeps the hairstyle looking fresh and well-groomed. Nevertheless, for shorter haircuts or intensive styles, more frequent adjustments may be required, while for longer hair, the interval between visits to the hairdresser may be extended. It’s also important to seek professional advice from a hairdresser in Atyrau to determine the optimal time between haircuts and keep your hair health at a high level.
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