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Bathing chinchillas Barranquilla

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7 especialistas responderam.
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R$ 35

Ana P.5.0(29)

R$ 40

Marcos L.5.0(32)

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'Chinchila a tomar banho' na cidade de Barranquilla

What are the inclusions of the puppy bathing service provided by inDrive.Services?

The puppy bathing service offered by inDrive.Services is meticulously crafted for young dogs, delivering a comprehensive and tailored grooming experience. Upon booking this service, anticipate a gentle and thorough bathing session utilizing pet-safe products curated for your puppy's delicate skin, fostering cleanliness and overall hygiene.
Furthermore, post-bath conditioning ensures your puppy's coat remains soft and healthy, minimizing the occurrence of tangles and mats, thereby facilitating easier grooming sessions. Additionally, the service encompasses gentle ear cleaning to eliminate dirt and debris from your puppy's ears, mitigating the risk of infections. Professional groomers will adeptly trim your puppy's nails to a safe and comfortable length, promoting optimal paw health while averting overgrowth.
Moreover, inDrive.Services operates on a distinctive model wherein the client has the autonomy to set the price or select from options proposed by specialists. This enables direct communication between the client and the specialist, facilitating comprehensive discussions regarding all aspects of the order and price negotiation, without platform intervention. Payment transactions occur directly from the client to the specialist, ensuring transparency and flexibility in service delivery.
Tailored to accommodate your puppy's specific requirements, inDrive.Services may also offer additional services such as teeth brushing, gland expression, or flea and tick treatments. The overarching objective of the puppy bathing service is to furnish a stress-free and pleasurable grooming experience while safeguarding your puppy's cleanliness and well-being.
Schedule a bathing appointment with inDrive.Services today to provide your puppy with the expert care they deserve, ensuring they remain both visually and physically pristine.
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‘Chinchila a tomar banho’

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