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Bathtub repair in Karaganda

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R$ 35

Ana P.5.0(29)

R$ 40

Marcos L.5.0(32)

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How long does bathtub repair take?

The time required to repair a bathtub in Karaganda depends on the type and extent of the damage. Minor cracks and chips can be fixed within a few hours. More serious work, such as full resurfacing or repairing significant structural damage, may take one to two days. In some cases, additional time is needed for the materials to dry and harden, which can add another one or two days to the total repair time. For an accurate time estimate, it is best to consult a professional who can assess the condition of your bathtub and offer the most optimal repair plan.

How long does a bathtub last?

The lifespan of a bathtub largely depends on the material it is made from and the conditions of its use. On average, acrylic and fiberglass bathtubs last from 10 to 15 years with proper care. Cast iron and steel enamel bathtubs can last significantly longer—up to 50 years or more. Regular maintenance, including cleaning and timely repair of minor damage, can greatly extend the lifespan of your bathtub. It’s also important to avoid using harsh chemicals that can damage the surface. In the high-humidity environment typical of bathrooms, ensuring good ventilation can help prevent mold and mildew, which also helps extend the lifespan of the bathtub.
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