Você está em Кокшетау?

Limpeza da área circundante em Кокшетау

Enviaremos seu pedido para os especialistas locais

Como funciona o inDrive.Services

Serviços gerais

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Informações do pedido
Cano entupido na pia da cozinha
A descrição ajudará os especialistas a entender o escopo da tarefa mais rapidamente

Escolha o serviço

Escolha seu serviço, descreva a tarefa, adicione detalhes e crie um pedido
7 especialistas responderam.
Escolha o melhor

R$ 35

Ana P.5.0(29)

R$ 40

Marcos L.5.0(32)

Aceite ofertas de especialistas

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Após finalizar o pedido, conclua-o e avalie o especialista

As pessoas estão vendo também

Com o serviço "Limpeza de áreas" na cidade de Кокшетау

Serviços semelhantes

Serviços em Кокшетау



Perguntas frequentes

'Limpeza da área circundante' na cidade de Кокшетау

What does the service of yard cleaning in Kokshetau usually include?

Yard cleaning services in Kokshetau typically encompass a thorough cleanup of outdoor spaces around your premises, which may involve sweeping paths, collecting and disposing of leaves, grass cutting, hedge trimming, and clearing debris. Additional tasks can include the removal of snow during winter, cleaning gutters, and sometimes minor landscaping to keep your yard pristine and inviting.

Why should you choose inDrive.Services for finding specialists for yard cleaning in Kokshetau?

Choosing inDrive.Services for locating yard cleaning specialists in Kokshetau ensures you engage with a vast network of verified professionals. Our platform offers a seamless and efficient way to find the right expert to cater to your specific requirements. Enjoy the benefit of direct communication with specialists to negotiate a fair price that meets your budget, all while avoiding additional taxes and costs as we do not participate in transaction handling.

What are the benefits of using inDrive.Services for finding specialists for your yard cleaning tasks?

With inDrive.Services, finding yard cleaning specialists in Kokshetau is fast and straightforward. You gain access to a pool of verified freelancers skilled in various yard maintenance services. The platform empowers you to communicate directly with specialists, offering flexibility in service terms and pricing. This direct engagement not only simplifies hiring but also fosters trust and accountability for quality service delivery.

How can I leave feedback or a review for a yard cleaning specialist in Kokshetau I've booked through inDrive.Services?

Leaving feedback for a yard cleaning specialist in Kokshetau via inDrive.Services is simple. After your service is completed, log into your inDrive account, navigate to your bookings, and select the completed task. From there, you'll have the option to leave a review detailing your experience, which helps other users make informed decisions and aids specialists in improving their services.
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inDrive.Serviços em outras cidades

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Obtenha renda usando suas habilidades