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Hair dyeing in Kokshetau

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R$ 35

Ana P.5.0(29)

R$ 40

Marcos L.5.0(32)

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Com o serviço "Coloristas de cabelo" na cidade de Кокшетау

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Serviços em Кокшетау



Perguntas frequentes

'Coloração de cabelo' na cidade de Кокшетау

What reasons allow clients to trust inDrive.Services when looking for a hair colorist?

The benefits of using inDrive.Services in Kokshetau include several factors that have made this platform the preferred choice for clients. Firstly, it's convenience. Using the inDrive.Services service, customers can quickly and easily find the right master, view his portfolio and read reviews from other clients. The second advantage is the variety of choice. The platform offers a variety of specialists with different skills and experience, which allows you to select the ideal contractor for a specific project.

What is the difference between Balayage and Shatush?

Balayage and Shatouche are two hair coloring techniques that each create a natural and multi-dimensional color, but they are applied in different ways. In balayage, the dye is applied to the hair using movements in the shape of the letter V, creating the effect of burnt strands with soft transitions. Balayage is suitable for creating a contrasting and natural look and is also effective for covering gray hair.

What hair coloring options are there?

There are many hair color options, including:
  • Highlighting. Partial lightening of strands to create contrast;

  • Coloring. Using multiple shades to create multi-dimensional color;

  • Ombre. Gradual transition from dark roots to lighter tips;

  • Sombre. A soft and natural ombre option;

  • Balayage. Applying paint in a V-shape motion to create the effect of burnt strands;

  • Shatush. Chaotic application of paint to achieve a smooth color transition.
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