Você está em Medellin?

Hair curling Medellin

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Perguntas frequentes

'Cachear o cabelo' na cidade de Medellin

What is the average cost of a hair perm in Medellín?

The cost of a hair perm in Medellín varies depending on criteria such as salon location, stylist reputation and experience, perm complexity, and hair length and thickness. Salons may also include the cost of extra treatments or materials used during the perm procedure. It is recommended that you contact local salons directly to obtain prices matched to your personal needs and preferences. This guarantees that you obtain the right information and can make an informed selection based on your budget and desired result.

How to curl hair naturally?

To obtain natural curls without using heat equipment that may cause harm, start by adding a curl-enhancing product to damp hair. Divide your hair into parts and twist them loosely. Allow your hair to air dry naturally, or use a diffuser with a low heat setting to speed up the process without harming your hair's health. Once your hair has completely dried, gently unravel the twists and lightly tousle it with your fingertips. This technique helps to create smooth, natural-looking curls while reducing frizz and retaining defined curls. To keep your curls intact and attain the finest results, avoid excessive touching or manipulation while they dry.
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