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Ayurvedic massage Medellin

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R$ 35

Ana P.5.0(29)

R$ 40

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'Massagem ayurvédica' na cidade de Medellin

What does an Ayurvedic massage in Medellin typically include?

In Medellin, an Ayurvedic massage usually consists of a thorough procedure intended to restore equilibrium to the body's energy and enhance general health. In order to ascertain your individual dosha, or body type, which informs the choice of oils and techniques utilized, the session frequently starts with a consultation. During the massage, heated oils infused with herbs that are specific to your dosha are used, along with lengthy, rhythmic strokes that encourage the body's detoxification and energy flow. Treatments may also include specialty methods like Shirodhara (oil applied to the forehead) or Abhyanga (full body oil massage), as well as features like steam therapy and herbal compresses. The goal of the incredibly soothing experience is to revitalize the body and mind.

What do you wear for an Ayurvedic massage?

Depending on your comfort level and the spa's standards, it is normal to wear minimal or no clothing at all for an Ayurvedic massage. For the purpose of comfort and modesty, you will usually be draped with a sheet or towel during the session. Only the area of the body that is being worked on at that moment will be exposed by the therapist. It's crucial to let your therapist know about your preferences if you want to feel at ease and at ease. It's best to wear something simple to clean or carry a change of clothes because the rich oils used in Ayurvedic massages can stain garments.
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