Você está em Алматы?

Hairdressers in Almaty

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7 especialistas responderam.
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R$ 35

Ana P.5.0(29)

R$ 40

Marcos L.5.0(32)

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As pessoas estão vendo também

Com o serviço "Cabeleireiro" na cidade de Алматы

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Perguntas frequentes

'Cabeleireiro' na cidade de Алматы

What services do hairdressers offer in Almaty?

Hairdressers and barbers in Almaty provide services such as haircuts, hair coloring, styling, straightening, hairstyling, and much more, for women, men, and children. Some professionals offer image consulting and other more specialized services.

What should I pay attention to when choosing a hairdresser in Almaty?

Before selecting a specialist, we recommend studying their profiles, reviews from previous clients, and ratings to find a professional who best suits your needs.

Can I find hairdressers who provide services at home and in salons in Almaty through inDrive.Services?

In inDrive.Services, you can find stylists and hairdressers who can come to your home, office, hotel, or event venue in Almaty. Many of them also work in professional salons, where they can serve you; you just need to specify the location where you would like to receive the service.

How can I hire the services of hairdressers on the inDrive.Services platform?

On our platform, finding your ideal stylist, hairdresser, or barber is simple and fast – just follow these easy steps:
  • Fill out a brief form to provide specialists with details of your request.

  • Submit your request and start receiving proposals from specialists within 5 minutes* of submission.

  • Choose the most suitable specialist and consider their rating, reviews, portfolio, profile, and price. Make an informed choice.

  • Contact the chosen specialist and explain all the details of your request and your interest in their services.

  • Receive the service. Once you have received the hairdresser's or barber's service, mark it as completed and rate the specialist, as this helps other clients make informed decisions before booking the service.

Is it really safe to hire stylists, hairdressers, or barbers in Almaty through inDrive.Services?

We understand your concerns and work to make you feel confident and at ease when hiring professionals from our platform, so we thoroughly check each master before approving their profile on our platform, verifying their documents.

What is the average cost of hairdresser services in Almaty?

Average prices for hairdresser services in Almaty generally range from 6,000 to 12,000 tenge for standard haircut and styling services. Prices may vary depending on specific services, hair length and density, and the stylist's level of experience.

What are the key benefits of using the inDrive.Services platform to find a hairdresser in Almaty?

By using our platform, you gain confidence in an easy and fast search for verified stylists and hairdressers in Almaty. Here are some reasons to try our service:
  • Save time with our quick and easy service request process. Get quotes from professionals in just 5 minutes*.

  • Choose the best stylists based on real reviews, demonstrated experience, and prices that fit your needs.

  • Verified professionals. On our platform, you'll find stylists, hairdressers, and barbers who have undergone 100% identity and criminal documents checks.

How can I leave a review for the hairdresser I booked through inDrive.Services?

After receiving the service, you can leave a review and feedback for the hairdresser on our platform. Share your experience; it helps other clients make informed decisions when booking hair styling services.
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