Você está em Алматы?

Handyman in Almaty

Preço médio para este serviço
₸ 6.500 — ₸ 11.000
Enviaremos seu pedido para os especialistas locais

Como funciona o inDrive.Services

Serviços gerais

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Informações do pedido
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A descrição ajudará os especialistas a entender o escopo da tarefa mais rapidamente

Escolha o serviço

Escolha seu serviço, descreva a tarefa, adicione detalhes e crie um pedido
7 especialistas responderam.
Escolha o melhor

R$ 35

Ana P.5.0(29)

R$ 40

Marcos L.5.0(32)

Aceite ofertas de especialistas

Ligue ou envie uma mensagem para os especialistas e escolha a melhor

Aguarde a conclusão do pedido

Após finalizar o pedido, conclua-o e avalie o especialista

Os especialistas avaliaram
4.0 e acima no serviço “Serviços gerais”

Crie pedidos e receba feedback destes e de outros especialistas

Даке Д.
Identidade verificada

196 pedidos72 comentários

Último comentário

Рахмет. тез келіп, жұмысын жақсы тиянақты істеп кетті

Санат К.
Identidade verificada

363 pedidos162 comentários

Último comentário

Жарайсың тамаша өз ісінің шебері Аллах куш қуат берсін

Нурдос К.
Identidade verificada

109 pedidos53 comentários

Último comentário

Рахмееет коп, оз жумысына калымы жок жумыска да комек тесип кетти. Быстро качественно.

Думан Б.
Identidade verificada

8 pedidos7 comentários

Último comentário

Өте керемет мастер.Жұмысты тиянақты,таза ұқыпты жасайды.Рақмет!

Михаил П.
Identidade verificada

6 pedidos2 comentários

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Добросовестный, очень аккуратный человек!

Айбарыс Т.
Identidade verificada

558 pedidos361 comentários

Último comentário

Отличная работа профессионала 👍Очень рекомендую 👌Осталась довольна работой😊😄

As pessoas estão vendo também

Com o serviço "Serviços gerais" na cidade de Алматы

Serviços em Алматы



Perguntas frequentes

'Serviços gerais' na cidade de Алматы

What types of services can be considered Hourly Master Services?

Hourly master services on the inDrive.Masters platform in Almaty cover a wide range of tasks, most often related to minor repairs. Among these services, you can find: repairs, technical maintenance, furniture and appliance installation, and other tasks related to home repair or maintenance, such as fixing plumbing issues, roof repairs, water heater maintenance, and other urgent tasks.

Why should I hire Hourly Master Services in Almaty through inDrive.Masters?

At inDrive.Masters, we strive to provide excellent customer service. Professionals looking to register on the platform always go through a verification process to ensure your safety and high-quality service nearby.

Do Hourly Masters in Almaty only provide services in residential spaces?

Among the repair Masters in Almaty registered on the inDrive.Masters platform, you can easily find those willing to serve not only residential spaces but also various other places, such as offices, commercial establishments, and public areas, providing high-quality service regardless of the type of location.

How can I hire a repair master in Almaty through inDrive.Masters?

Hiring an hourly master in Almaty through inDrive.Masters is simple and quick.
  • Just fill out a brief order placement form.
  • Approximately 7 minutes* later, you will receive the first offers from qualified specialists.
  • Then, you can choose the perfect master for you based on ratings, reviews, previous work, and prices.

What payment methods are available for paying an hourly master in Almaty through inDrive.Masters?

We provide flexibility in payment methods. The customer has full control, setting the price or choosing the option when specialists offer their prices. Then, the customer and the master discuss all order details and the price directly, without platform involvement. Payment is also made directly from the customer to the specialist.

Why is it safe to hire an hourly master through inDrive.Masters?

Your safety is our priority. All professionals at inDrive.Masters undergo a strict verification process, including document checks. To further enhance your trust in professionals on the platform, we provide a rating and review system for customer feedback on services provided, giving you valuable information when choosing.

Do hourly masters in inDrive.Masters in Almaty provide services outside of regular working hours or on non-working days?

Yes, some master workers are willing to provide services outside of regular working hours and on non-working days, providing greater flexibility to meet your needs. When planning a service, make sure you have the option to choose a convenient time for you and the specialist, including weekends and holidays.

Can I ask the master to purchase the necessary parts for replacement?

Yes, you can ask the master to purchase materials and parts necessary for the service. During the planning process, you will have the opportunity to specify whether you want the master to bring the necessary materials and parts to complete the job. This option provides even more convenience for you. Don't forget to clearly outline all these details in the agreement.

If additional services arise that exceed the initial budget, can we negotiate the cost?

Of course! If additional needs arise during the service, you have the opportunity to discuss and negotiate directly with the master for the inclusion of these additional services. Nothing can happen without your permission. The inDrive.Masters platform provides you with flexibility in choosing the scope of work according to your needs and budget, ensuring your complete satisfaction with the service provided.
Crie um pedido e escolha o especialista adequado

Especialistas em outras cidades

‘Serviços gerais’

inDrive.Serviços em outras cidades

Encontre um especialista

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Torne-se um especialista

Escolha somente pedidos adequados, sugira seus preços e ganhe dinheiro usando suas habilidades
Seja um especialista
Obtenha renda usando suas habilidades