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Floor installation Almaty

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R$ 35

Ana P.5.0(29)

R$ 40

Marcos L.5.0(32)

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What does flooring installation service include?

Flooring installation service in Almaty usually includes several stages. First, specialists inspect the premises and take measurements to determine the required amount of material. Then, surface preparation is carried out, including cleaning and leveling the base. After that, the chosen flooring material is installed, adhering to all technical requirements and manufacturer recommendations. Finally, the service includes finishing touches, such as the installation of baseboards and a final cleanup to ensure the room looks neat and complete.

What stages are involved in flooring installation?

The process of flooring installation in Almaty consists of several important stages. Initially, the surface is prepared, which includes removing the old flooring and leveling the base. Next, the new material is installed using special techniques and tools to ensure even distribution and good adhesion. After the material is laid, the quality of the work is checked, and any defects are corrected if necessary. The final stage involves installing baseboards and performing a final cleanup to give the room a clean and tidy appearance.
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