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Manicure and pedicure in Almaty

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"Manicure e pedicure" em Алматы

Виктория С.

1 comentário
1 pedido
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Профессиональный маникюр от мастера Карагандинской школы, стаж 10 лет. Все работы можно посмотреть в инстаграм: vikkii_nailsss Маникюр с покрытием от 5000тг Простой от 2000тг Предварительная запись по телефону либо WatsApp
Отличный мастер и профессиональная работа, жена и дочь остались довольны
Вадим, há 11 meses

Алия К.

1 comentário
1 pedido
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Опыт работы год, после моего педикюра к другому мастеру не пойдёте 😉
Отличный мастер, все аккуратно сделала. Даже не ожидала такого. Большое спасибо, всем рекомендую. Сразу сделала маникюр и педикюр. И хорошая цена.
Ольга, há 2 anos

Сауле Н.

2 comentários
2 pedidos
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Опыт работы более 5 лет. Результаты более месяца.
Сауле очень аккуратный мастер с опытом 👍 понравилась! Хорошо поболтали о жизни 😘
Жанель Жанель, há 3 meses
Muitos especialistas bem avaliados verão seu pedido

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Com o serviço "Manicure e pedicure" na cidade de Алматы

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Perguntas frequentes

'Manicure e pedicure' na cidade de Алматы

What types of manicures can I find in Almaty?

There are numerous manicure options that suit your preferences and needs. From classic French manicures to long-lasting gel polish, detailed nail art, relaxing hand/foot massages, and much more.

What are the benefits of choosing a professional for manicure and pedicure services in Almaty?

Choosing a professional for manicure and pedicure brings noticeable benefits. Professional manicurists know the right techniques to maintain the health of your nails and use suitable high-quality products. Moreover, the experience brings relaxation and gives you some "me time."

Is it safe to hire a manicurist in Almaty through inDrive.Services?

We work to ensure that you feel safe when hiring professionals through our platform. Therefore, we thoroughly check the documents of each manicurist during registration on the platform.

How can I find manicure and pedicure services near me on the inDrive.Services platform?

On our platform, finding the perfect manicure and pedicure service for you is as easy as a riddle; you just need to follow these simple steps:
  • Fill out a short form to let manicurists know the details of your request.

  • Submit your request and start receiving proposals from manicurists within approximately 5 minutes* after submission.

  • Choose the most suitable manicurist based on ratings, reviews, portfolio, profile, and price.

  • Contact the selected nail service professional and discuss all the details of your request.

What is the average cost of a manicure in Almaty?

The cost of a manicure in Almaty can vary depending on factors such as the type of manicure, additional services like nail design, paraffin hand mask, hand massage, the professional experience of the manicurist, and the location of the service. On average, prices range from 8,000 tenge to 30,000 tenge.

How far in advance should I book appointments for manicure/pedicure through your platform?

While some manicurists are ready to respond to last-minute orders, whenever possible, we recommend booking a manicure or pedicure service at least 2-3 days in advance to ensure availability on your chosen date and time and a greater variety of manicurists.

What are the main advantages of hiring a manicurist through inDrive.Services?

Advantages of inDrive.Services when searching for verified specialists:
  • Ease of service request: You need to fill out a short form to submit your request.

  • Quick responses: Receive initial proposals from manicurists in just 5 minutes* after submitting your request.

  • Informed choice: Choose manicurists based on ratings, reviews, portfolios, or prices that match your needs.

  • Verified professionals: All manicurists undergo verification, including document checks.
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