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Com o serviço "Aluguel de ferramentas" na cidade de Алматы
Perguntas frequentes
'Aluguel de andaimes móveis' na cidade de Алматы
What are mobile scaffolds rented for in Almaty?
Mobile scaffolds are used for high-altitude work on building facades, communication installations, and roof repairs.
What types of scaffolds are available for rent?
Mobile and stationary scaffolds with different heights and load capacities are available for construction and installation work.
How much does mobile scaffold rental cost in Almaty?
Rental prices start from 15,000 KZT per day depending on height and equipment specifications.
Can scaffolds be rented for a short period?
Yes, rental is available from one day with the option to extend as needed.
What safety measures should be followed when working on scaffolds?
It's essential to use safety harnesses, helmets, and other protective gear when working at height.
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