Você está em Астана?

Babysitters in Astana

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7 especialistas responderam.
Escolha o melhor

R$ 35

Ana P.5.0(29)

R$ 40

Marcos L.5.0(32)

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As pessoas estão vendo também

Com o serviço "Babás" na cidade de Астана

Serviços em Астана



Perguntas frequentes

'Babás' na cidade de Астана

Can I find temporary babysitting services through inDrive.Services?

Whether you need a babysitter for a date night, a work event, or any other occasion, you can easily find a verified babysitter in Astana on our platform.

How can I book a babysitting service in Astana through inDrive.Services?

Follow these simple steps to hire a babysitter in Astana:
  • Visit the inDrive.Services website or access the Babysitters section in the inDrive app.

  • Choose the "Babysitters" service.

  • Fill out a brief form to provide specialists with the details of your request.

  • Submit your request and expect to receive proposals from babysitters within approximately 3-5 minutes*.

  • Choose the most suitable babysitter based on their ratings, reviews, portfolio, profile, and pricing.

  • Contact your chosen babysitter to discuss the details of your request and specific needs.

What is the average price for babysitting services in Astana?

The average price for qualified babysitters in Astana is around 26,000 KZT. Prices may vary depending on the babysitter's experience, the number of children, the duties involved, and any additional requirements.

Why should I use your platform to find the ideal babysitter in Astana?

There are several compelling reasons to try our service:
  • Save time with our quick and easy service request process.

  • Receive quotes from professional babysitters within just 3-5 minutes*.

  • Choose the best babysitters based on real reviews, ratings, experience, and prices that suit your needs.

  • Have control over costs. Negotiate the final budget directly with the babysitter without intermediaries.

  • Trustworthy professionals. On our platform, you'll find babysitters who are fully verified for authenticity and criminal history.

Can I find a babysitter for specific daytime slots or overnight care?

You can find babysitters for any time of day or night. When posting your request, specify the hours or duration you require, and available babysitters will offer their services accordingly.
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