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Haircut with styling in Astana

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R$ 35

Ana P.5.0(29)

R$ 40

Marcos L.5.0(32)

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'Corte de cabelo e penteado' na cidade de Астана

What is the average price for a haircut with styling in Astana?

The average cost of a haircut and styling in Astana varies depending on the salon's location, reputation, and the stylist's expertise. Generally, prices fluctuate based on the complexity of the requested styling and the length of your hair. High-end salons may charge more for their services, reflecting the stylists' skills and experience. When booking your appointment, inquire about specific services and pricing options to ensure you get a haircut and styling that fits your budget and expectations.

Do wolf cuts need styling?

Yes, wolf cuts often require significant styling to achieve their signature tousled, layered look. Texturizing products can be used to enhance natural waves or curls, blow-drying with a diffuser to add volume, or creating defined strands or waves with a flat iron. The goal is to add texture and layers to the haircut, giving it a lived-in and effortlessly trendy appearance. Using the right styling techniques and products allows individuals to maintain the unique look of a wolf cut while expressing their personal style and enhancing their natural hair texture.
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