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Makeup artist at home in Astana

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R$ 35

Ana P.5.0(29)

R$ 40

Marcos L.5.0(32)

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Com o serviço "Maquiagem" na cidade de Астана

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Serviços em Астана



Perguntas frequentes

'Maquiagem a domicílio' na cidade de Астана

What is the average price for home visit makeup artist services in Astana?

The average price for home visit makeup artist services in Astana can vary depending on several factors, including the master's experience, demand, and the complexity of the required makeup. Generally, prices can start from approximately 7000 tenge and reach 20,000 tenge or more for one session. However, it's worth noting that these figures may change depending on the specific master and their rates. It's also important to keep in mind that more experienced and well-known makeup artists may offer their services at higher prices, while newcomers may work at more affordable rates as part of their promotion.

How to properly do face makeup at home?

Home makeup is an exciting and creative process that can be mastered easily by following a few key steps. Start with cleansing your face and applying a moisturizer to prepare your skin for makeup and create an even base. Then apply a makeup primer to enhance its durability and make your skin smoother. After that, use a concealer to hide imperfections and even out your skin tone, followed by applying foundation or BB cream for a natural finish. Add blush or bronzer to give your face a healthy glow, and highlight your eyebrows using a pencil or powder. Don’t forget about your eyes—apply an eyeshadow primer to improve the durability of your shadows and choose the right shades to create the desired look. Finish your makeup by applying mascara to your lashes and lipstick to your lips, selecting a shade that complements your look. Remember, practice and experimentation are key— the more you practice, the better you will master makeup techniques and find your own style.
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