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Salt massage in Astana

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R$ 35

Ana P.5.0(29)

R$ 40

Marcos L.5.0(32)

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Perguntas frequentes

'Massagem com sal' na cidade de Астана

How many salt massage sessions are recommended?

The number of salt massage sessions depends on the goals and individual characteristics of the skin. On average, cosmetologists recommend taking a course of 5-10 procedures, performed 1-2 times a week. This course allows you to achieve visible results in improving the condition of the skin, its texture and overall well-being.
If salt massage is carried out as part of skin care and prevention, one procedure per month is enough. This will help keep your skin in good condition by providing regular exfoliation and nourishment.
To address specific problems, such as combating cellulite or significant areas of dry skin, the course may be more intense. In this case, it is recommended to consult with a cosmetologist who will develop an individual treatment plan, taking into account the condition of the skin and the desired results.
It is important to remember that excessive use of salt massage can lead to irritation and damage to the skin, so do not exceed the recommended number of sessions.

How much does a salt massage cost in Astana on inDrive.Services?

The price of salt massage in Astana on the inDrive.Services platform can vary significantly depending on several key factors. First of all, the qualifications and experience of the master play an important role. Specialists with extensive experience and high ratings tend to charge higher prices for their services.
Secondly, the cost depends on the duration of the session and the procedures included in it. Longer sessions or those that include additional elements such as the use of essential oils, special massage techniques or additional skincare products will cost more than a standard massage.
In addition, the price may be affected by seasonal fluctuations and the availability of promotions. During certain periods of the year, for example, during holidays or seasonal discounts, the cost of services may be reduced due to special offers and promotions.
To get the most accurate information, it is recommended to view the profiles of the artists on the platform, read reviews from clients and clarify all the details before booking a session.
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‘Massagem com sal’

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