Você está em Астана?

Electricians in Astana

Preço médio para este serviço
₸ 4.000 — ₸ 6.000
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7 especialistas responderam.
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R$ 35

Ana P.5.0(29)

R$ 40

Marcos L.5.0(32)

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4.0 e acima no serviço “Eletricistas”

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Куаныш M.
Identidade verificada

22 pedidos8 comentários

Último comentário

Отличная работа, сам купил блок питания, все сделал хорошо

Нагаман Б.
Identidade verificada

6 pedidos5 comentários

Último comentário

Отличные мастера. Пришли двое, все инструменты есть, знают свою работу на 100%. Смело заказывайте, не подведут. И цена не дорого

Абылай Б.
Identidade verificada

53 pedidos36 comentários

Último comentário

Почистил снег и лед, инструменты свои, очень грамотный специалист, всем рекомендую 👍

Омирбек К.
Identidade verificada

16 pedidos13 comentários

Último comentário

Очень довольна работой , всем рекомендую.

Максат К.
Identidade verificada

193 pedidos121 comentários

Último comentário

Качественно выполненная работа, будем обращаться еще 👍

Нуржан К.
Identidade verificada

776 pedidos449 comentários

Último comentário

Рахмет мастеру своего дела Рекомендую его услуги

As pessoas estão vendo também

Com o serviço "Eletricistas" na cidade de Астана

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Serviços em Астана



Perguntas frequentes

'Eletricistas' na cidade de Астана

What types of electricians are available in Astana?

You can find electricians specializing in three main categories: residential, commercial, and industrial. It should be noted that we also offer services of automotive electricians. Therefore, regardless of your specific requirements, you can find the perfect expert for your project on our platform.

What services do electricians offer in Astana?

Electricians in Astana offer a wide range of services, including installation, repair, and maintenance of electrical systems and equipment, diagnosis and troubleshooting, installation of lighting fixtures, sockets, switches, and much more.

How can I hire an electrician in Astana through inDrive.Services?

Finding a professional electrician on our platform is simple. Just follow these steps:
  • Go to the inDrive.Services platform and confirm your location in Astana.

  • Fill out a brief form with details of your request, including the type of service, time, and any special requirements.

  • Submit your request and start receiving offers from electricians within 5 minutes* of submission.

What is the average price for electrician services in Astana?

Rates for electrician services in Astana may vary depending on the complexity of the work, type of service, and the experience of the specialist. Typically, they range from 4000 to 7000 tenge per hour.

What are the advantages of hiring an electrician through inDrive.Services?

  • Easy ordering: Simply fill out the form to submit your request to verified electric vehicle specialists.

  • Fast responses from specialists: Receive preliminary offers from professionals within 5 minutes* of submitting your request.

  • Experience-based selection: Choose a specialist based on ratings and reviews from other clients, their portfolio, or prices. You control the process and can discuss the price directly with the selected specialist.

  • Verified specialists: All specialists undergo a verification process during registration, including identity verification and criminal record checks.

Why should you trust the specialists available on inDrive.Services?

There are several compelling reasons to trust the specialists working through inDrive.Services. First and foremost, every professional listed on our platform undergoes a thorough verification process, which includes identity confirmation and criminal record checks. Additionally, our client community provides ratings and reviews of the services provided by these specialists, ensuring the hiring of reliable and qualified professionals.
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