Você está em Астана?

Furniture repair and assembly in Astana

Preço médio para este serviço
₸ 6.000 — ₸ 10.000
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7 especialistas responderam.
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R$ 35

Ana P.5.0(29)

R$ 40

Marcos L.5.0(32)

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4.0 e acima no serviço “Reparo e montagem de móveis”

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Даулетхан Б.
Identidade verificada

339 pedidos199 comentários

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Кровать собрал быстро, качественно. Хороший специалист

Роллан Д.
Identidade verificada

79 pedidos56 comentários

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Разных вызывала мастеров, но Роллан грамотно и по адекватной цене все оценил и быстро сделал!

Дихан Ш.
Identidade verificada

529 pedidos382 comentários

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Быстро нашел в чем проблема, исправил поломку

Шынгыс Б.
Identidade verificada

141 pedidos80 comentários

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шикарно все сделал, спасибо огромное , быстро и качественно

Нуржан К.
Identidade verificada

776 pedidos449 comentários

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Рахмет мастеру своего дела Рекомендую его услуги

Мухтар К.
Identidade verificada

51 pedidos22 comentários

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Хороший мастер! Быстро и качественно выполнил сборку.

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Com o serviço "Reparo e montagem de móveis" na cidade de Астана

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Perguntas frequentes

'Reparo e montagem de móveis' na cidade de Астана

What does the furniture assembly service provided by inDrive.Services in Astana include?

The furniture assembly service available through inDrive.Services includes the assembly and disassembly of various types of furniture, including home and office furniture, among others. Registered specialists on the platform are well-equipped to follow manufacturer recommendations and ensure precise furniture assembly, considering different styles.

How can I order a furniture assembly service through inDrive.Services in Astana?

Ordering a furniture assembly service is a simple and efficient process:
  • Fill out a brief form, specifying the details of the task you need to be done.

  • Approximately after 5 minutes*, you will start receiving competitive offers from furniture assembly specialists.

  • Choose the perfect specialist for your order by comparing their ratings, reviews, portfolio, and pricing.

Can furniture assembly specialists also handle furniture repairs?

Yes, many furniture assembly specialists also offer small-scale furniture repair services. If you need the repair of existing furniture, you can discuss it with the assembly specialist during the planning process. They will assess the work and provide a cost estimate, which may include the replacement of missing parts, such as screws.

Is it safe to hire furniture assembly specialists through inDrive.Services?

Absolutely! Safety is a priority at inDrive.Services. All specialists providing furniture assembly services on the platform undergo strict verification, including document checks. Your peace of mind is our top priority, and we strive to simplify the search for reliable furniture assemblers and repair specialists.

What types of furniture can I hire an assembler for through inDrive.Services?

Through inDrive.Services, you can find assembly experts for various types of furniture, including: Home furniture, Office furniture, Modular furniture, and more.

How is payment for the furniture assembly service on inDrive.Services processed?

The payment process for furniture assembly services is straightforward and usually arranged directly with the assembler. Payment is typically made to the professional upon completion of the service, and options may include cash or other pre-agreed payment methods.

Can I schedule a furniture assembler on Sundays or holidays in Astana?

Yes, with inDrive.Services, you can schedule furniture assembly or repair on any day, including Sundays or holidays in Astana, providing convenience to meet your needs. Specify specific details regarding preferred days and times when submitting your request to facilitate the search for specialists who can accommodate your schedule.

Can I hire multiple furniture assemblers in Astana for the assembly of a large quantity of furniture or to expedite the process?

Certainly! If you need to assemble a large quantity of furniture in Astana or expedite the assembly and disassembly process, you can hire multiple assemblers or companies through inDrive.Services. Simply indicate the quantity of items to be disassembled and your preferred schedule in the order form. Our experts will coordinate the work to meet your needs and expectations.
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