Você está em Атырау?

Babysitters in Atyrau

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7 especialistas responderam.
Escolha o melhor

R$ 35

Ana P.5.0(29)

R$ 40

Marcos L.5.0(32)

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As pessoas estão vendo também

Com o serviço "Babás" na cidade de Атырау

Serviços em Атырау



Perguntas frequentes

'Babás' na cidade de Атырау

What services can you hire a nanny for in Atyrau?

You can hire a nanny in Atyrau for any childcare services you need - from emergency calls to regular daily childcare.

Where can I find a nanny in Atyrau with reviews and ratings from other parents?

At inDrive.Masters, you can find a nanny with reviews and ratings from previous clients and choose the most suitable professional based on ratings and reviews left by other customers, as well as based on their portfolio or the price they offer.

Can I schedule a nanny for evening or weekend hours?

Certainly! On our platform, you'll find nannies who can adapt to your childcare needs, allowing you to schedule nanny services in the evening or on weekends. Just make sure to book in advance to ensure the availability of the nanny.

How can I hire nanny services in Atyrau through inDrive.Masters?

You can find a suitable nanny on our platform quickly and easily:
  • When entering inDrive.Masters, confirm that you are in Atyrau. Then select the "Nanny" service.

  • Fill out a form so that nannies know the details of your request.

  • Send the request and start receiving nanny proposals within 3-5 minutes*.

  • Choose the most suitable nanny, considering their ratings, reviews, portfolio, profile, and price. Make an informed choice.

  • Contact the selected nanny to discuss all the details of your request and your interest in their services.

  • Receive the service. Once you have received the nanny service, mark it as completed and rate the nanny, as this allows other customers to make informed decisions before hiring the service.

What additional services can nannies offer in Atyrau?

In addition to basic childcare services, some nannies may offer additional services such as help with homework, sports or music activities, as well as assistance in organizing events or extracurricular activities. Such services can be subject to additional agreement between parents and the nanny.

What are the main reasons to use our platform to find the ideal nanny for you in Atyrau?

Using our platform will give you the confidence to choose the right nanny and the peace of mind that your children will receive appropriate care. Here are a few reasons to try inDrive.Masters:
  • Save time with our quick and straightforward service request process.

  • Get quotes from professional nannies in just 3-5 minutes*.

  • Choose the best nannies based on real ratings, demonstrated experience, and prices tailored to your needs.

  • Negotiate the final budget directly with the nanny, without intermediaries.
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