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Dog walker in Barranquilia

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7 especialistas responderam.
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R$ 35

Ana P.5.0(29)

R$ 40

Marcos L.5.0(32)

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As pessoas estão vendo também

Com o serviço "Passeio de animais" na cidade de Barranquilla

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Serviços em Barranquilla



Perguntas frequentes

'Passeio de animais' na cidade de Barranquilla

What do dog walkers do in Barranquilla?

Dog walkers are individuals hired by pet owners to take their dogs for walks. It can be a one-time service or a regular agreement for daily walks.

How can I find a dog walker in Barranquilla on inDrive.Services?

To hire a dog walker for your pet, you should follow these steps:
  • Fill out a brief form with details about your requirements.

  • In approximately 5 minutes** after posting your request, you will start receiving proposals from specialists.

  • Review and choose a specialist based on their ratings, reviews, portfolio, profile, and prices.

  • Contact the specialist you have selected to finalize the details of your request.

What are the advantages of hiring a dog walker through inDrive.Services?

When hiring a dog walker through inDrive.Services, you get the following benefits:
  • Professional Service: Ensure your pet is cared for by verified professionals who understand the importance of their role.

  • Simple Ordering Process and Quick Responses: Receive offers from specialists on average within 5 minutes** after submitting your request.

  • Informed Decision-Making: Choose based on ratings, reviews, and other relevant criteria.

  • Price Negotiation: Engage in direct discussions with specialists about the price.

  • Verified Specialists: All specialists on inDrive.Services go through a verification process, including identity and criminal background checks.

What if my dog has specific dietary restrictions or needs medication during their walk?

When communicating with your chosen dog walker, be sure to inform them about any dietary restrictions or medication needs your dog may have. Many walkers are willing to accommodate special dietary needs or administer medication during the walk.

What measures are taken to handle emergencies during a walk?

It is important to discuss the protocol for handling emergencies with the dog walker. They should have a clear plan, including contact information for you and any necessary veterinary contacts, in case a situation arises that requires immediate attention.

Is it possible to arrange recurring walks with the same walker on inDrive.Services?

Absolutely! Once you have found a walker you are satisfied with, you can discuss and establish a recurring schedule that works for both you and the specialist.

What is the average cost of a dog walking service in Barranquilla?

The cost of dog walking in Barranquilla can vary depending on factors such as duration, specific requirements, and the walker's experience.

What is the payment process for the dog walker on inDrive.Services?

Payments are made directly to the specialist. The platform facilitates the connection, but all financial transactions and negotiations are conducted directly between customers and specialists.
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‘Passeio de animais’

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