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House painters in Barranquilia

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7 especialistas responderam.
Escolha o melhor

R$ 35

Ana P.5.0(29)

R$ 40

Marcos L.5.0(32)

Aceite ofertas de especialistas

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Os especialistas avaliaram
4.0 e acima no serviço “Pintores”

Crie pedidos e receba feedback destes e de outros especialistas

Humberto Manuel B.
Identidade verificada

16 pedidos15 comentários

Último comentário

excelente servicio ya es el segundo trabajo que realiza y hasta el momento ha cumplido con todas las expectativas lo recomiendo

Armando José A.
Identidade verificada

4 pedidos2 comentários

Último comentário

Muy buen trabajo. Llegaron a la hora específica e hicieron un trabajo muy bien hecho. Fueron rápidos y amables. Los recomendaría.

Wilmar Antonio V.
Identidade verificada

34 pedidos18 comentários

Último comentário

Todo perfecto, muy buen trabajador y muy buena persona 10/10

Luis B.
Identidade verificada

25 pedidos23 comentários

Último comentário

Excelente trabajo, muy profesional y colaborador. ¡Recomendado!

Mauricio Alberto A.
Identidade verificada

45 pedidos33 comentários

Último comentário

Quedé muy satisfecho con el trabajo de Don Mauricio y lo volvería a ocupar.

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Com o serviço "Pintores" na cidade de Barranquilla

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Perguntas frequentes

'Pintores' na cidade de Barranquilla

For what services can I hire a painting specialist through inDrive.Services in Barranquilla?

You have the option to hire the services of a painting specialist through inDrive.Services for projects both inside and outside your home or business in Barranquilla. Whether you want to give your interior a new look or refresh the exterior facade, our platform connects you with competent professionals ready to meet your specific needs.

What are the advantages of hiring painting specialists on inDrive.Services?

  • Diverse Selection: inDrive.Services offers a wide range of specialists, allowing you to choose the highest-rated professional for your project.

  • Simple Booking Process: The hiring process is straightforward and fast. Simply create a service request and select the specialist that fits your needs.

  • Quick Responses: Start receiving proposals from specialists in just 5 minutes** after placing the order.

  • Verified Experts: Every painting specialist on our platform goes through a rigorous verification process, ensuring the quality and safety of the services they provide.

How can I request the services of a painting specialist in Barranquilla through inDrive.Services?

Requesting a painting service through inDrive.Services is quick and easy. Follow these simple steps:
  • Choose the service you need on the inDrive.Services platform.

  • Create a service request specifying your needs, set the preferred date and time, and establish the price you are willing to pay.

  • Select the specialist that best fits your requirements based on their reviews and portfolio.

  • Engage in direct conversations with the specialist to finalize the service details.

Is it possible to book the services of a painting specialist in Barranquilla on weekends?

Yes, it is entirely feasible to find a painting specialist in Barranquilla who is available to provide services on weekends. Additionally, some professionals on inDrive.Services offer flexible scheduling options, allowing you to secure the service at your convenience.

How do I make payments for the services of a painting specialist through inDrive.Services?

Payments for the services of a painting specialist on inDrive.Services are made directly from the client to the professional, with no platform intermediaries. You and the specialist can mutually agree on the most convenient payment method during the negotiation process, ensuring a secure and transparent transaction process.

Can I choose to hire a specialized painting company for a large-scale project instead of selecting an independent professional?

Certainly, inDrive.Services allows you to decide whether you want to hire an independent freelancer or a specialized painting company for your project. Each option has its own advantages. A freelancer may offer greater flexibility in terms of availability and costs, while a company may have a larger team and more resources to manage extensive projects.

What should I do if the painting specialist identifies additional services that are required beyond what was initially agreed upon in the budget?

In case the specialist identifies additional services beyond the initial budget, it is crucial to engage in direct conversations with them. Together, you can assess the scope of these additional services and reach an agreement on the associated costs. However, it is important that all actions require your approval. Transparent communication is key to ensuring that all parties are aligned and satisfied with the work performed.
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