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Beard haircut Cali

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R$ 35

Ana P.5.0(29)

R$ 40

Marcos L.5.0(32)

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Com o serviço "Barbeiros" na cidade de Cali

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Perguntas frequentes

'Corte de cabelo com barba' na cidade de Cali

What is the most attractive beard style?

Individual preferences and facial traits frequently influence which beard style is most beautiful. However, certain styles are universally appealing. A well-groomed long beard is frequently thought to be beautiful because it enhances jawlines and gives the face a rugged, manly appearance. This style can range from a short, well trimmed beard that flatters the natural proportions of the face to a larger, more voluminous beard that makes a striking statement. Alternatively, meticulously managed stubble is famous for its rugged yet refined appearance, which strikes a balance between masculinity and neatness. Finally, the most appealing beard style is one that complements your facial shape and personal style preferences, while also being well-kept to improve your overall appearance.

What does a beard trim typically include?

In Cali, a beard trim usually involves a full grooming service. It starts with a consultation in which the barber evaluates your beard's current condition and discusses the style you wish to attain. The trimming process entails sculpting the beard to fit your facial characteristics, correcting the length for uniformity, and defining the neckline for a professional appearance. Many barbers in Cali provide extra services, such as applying beard oil or balm to hydrate and style the beard, as well as a soothing hot towel massage to revitalize the skin beneath.
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