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Electricians in Karaganda

Preço médio para este serviço
 4.000 —  5.500
Média de avaliação dos especialistas para este serviço
4.1 de 5
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Especialistas altamente qualificados

"Eletricistas" em Караганда

Сабит Т.

1 comentário
1 pedido
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Электропроводка в квартирах и домах, ремонт бытовой техники и телефонов.
Очень хороший электрик! Быстро, аккуратно, чисто и качественно сделал свою работу! Огромная благодарность!
Ф В, há 6 dias

Даукен Ж.

1 comentário
1 pedido
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Работал инженером, старшим техником. Могу провести проводку под интернет домофон.пожарку.натяжные потолки.
Перед приездом позвонил для уточнения работы. Приехал, объяснял каждое действие, спрашивал разрешение перед каждым действием. Быстро нашел кабель.
Алтай Мукин, há 9 dias

Ерболат К.

3 comentários
5 pedidos
Identidade verificada
Опыт работы с ПВХ окнами 5 лет,3 года по электрике, штроба, прокладка кабеля, подключение ремонт быт техники, основное направление реклама, сборка монтаж, согласование с акиматом.Снос и демонтаж.
Всё четко как и просил. Провел розетку по стенам квартиры. Всё отлично работает.
Ербол Спатаев, há 9 dias
Muitos especialistas bem avaliados verão seu pedido

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Com o serviço "Eletricistas" na cidade de Караганда

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Perguntas frequentes

'Eletricistas' na cidade de Караганда

What services are included in the electrician's competence?

An electrician is an experienced professional responsible for a wide range of tasks related to electrical systems in various fields, including residential, commercial, and industrial properties. Their expertise covers installation, repair, and maintenance of wiring, electrical components, electronic equipment, and power networks. Furthermore, electricians handle assembly, calibration, installation, and maintenance of various electrical devices. This includes tasks such as configuring electrical panels, wiring for homes and businesses, lighting systems, security devices, electric heating systems, automation equipment, and voltage regulation systems.

What types of electricians are available on the inDrive.Services platform?

On the inDrive.Services platform, you will find electricians specializing in three main areas: residential, commercial, and industrial. It's important to note that we also offer services for automotive electricians. Therefore, regardless of your specific needs, you can find the perfect specialist for your project on our platform.

What are the benefits of hiring an electrician through the inDrive.Services platform?

  • Simple Booking: Simply fill out the form to submit your booking request to verified professionals specializing in electrical work.

  • Fast Responses from Specialists: Expect preliminary offers from experts within 5 minutes* after submitting your request.

  • Informed Choice: Choose an electrician based on ratings and reviews from previous clients, their portfolio, or pricing. You have control and can negotiate compensation directly with the chosen specialist.

  • Verified Experts: All specialists undergo a rigorous registration process, including identity verification and documents checks.

How can I hire a professional electrician in Karaganda using the inDrive.Services platform?

Finding the services of a qualified electrician in Karaganda through inDrive.Services is a simple and convenient process:
  • Start by filling out the form detailing the specifics of your electrical project.

  • After submitting your request, you can expect to begin receiving competitive offers from experienced professionals in approximately 5 minutes*.

  • You have the full right to choose an electrician who best meets your requirements, considering factors such as ratings, reviews, service descriptions, and pricing.

Why should I trust the specialists available through the inDrive.Services platform?

Every professional featured on our platform undergoes a strict verification process, including identity and document checks. Additionally, our client community provides ratings and reviews of specialists, ensuring that you hire a reliable and qualified professional.

How does payment for services provided by electricians on the inDrive.Services platform work?

The payment process is transparent and straightforward. Once you've selected an electrician that suits your needs, you can discuss the preferred payment method directly with the specialist. Payments are made directly to the electrician, without intermediaries on the platform. This ensures a clear and convenient procedure for all parties involved.

Can I hire an electrician in Karaganda who provides services outside of regular business hours?

On the inDrive.Services platform, you can find electricians who offer services outside of regular working hours. If you need assistance with electrical work at non-standard times, simply specify your requirements by filling out the request form. Many electricians are ready to meet your needs, providing you with flexibility in addressing electrical issues at any time.
Hiring a qualified electrician in Karaganda has never been as convenient and fast as with inDrive.Services. Our platform provides access to a diverse selection of certified and verified electricians ready to meet your electrical engineering needs, regardless of the scale or timeline of your project.
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