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Fridges repair and maintenance in Karaganda

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"Reparo e manutenção de frigoríficos" em Караганда

Михаил Ш.

1 comentário
1 pedido
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10 лет ответственной и продуктивной работы в дезинфекционной компании. Инструктор-дезинфектор
Все отлично, быстро , качественно . Все вопросы связанные с заказом решает на месте. Отличный сервис .
Серик Ашенов, há 2 meses

Виктор К.

6 comentários
8 pedidos
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Меня зовут Виктор. Я являюсь мастером холодильного оборудования с 2003 года. Знаю как настроить,установить,и отремонтировать практически любую бытовую технику. Могу помочь в выборе, консультации. Звоните, обращайтесь !
Быстро приехали , быстро починили . Все супер ) надеюсь будет работать холодильник исправно 👍
Лейла, há 2 meses

Николай К.

11 comentários
18 pedidos
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Работаем вдвоём с братом имеем большой опыт во многих отраслях сантехника электрика ремонт бытовой техники и многое другое имеется весь необходимый инструмент опыт работы более 10 лет
Спасибо , все быстро оперативно исполнили 🔥 довольна результатом ☺️ И не дорого
Aida Bakenkyzy, há 2 meses
Muitos especialistas bem avaliados verão seu pedido

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Com o serviço "Reparo e manutenção de frigoríficos" na cidade de Караганда

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Perguntas frequentes

'Reparo e manutenção de frigoríficos' na cidade de Караганда

What types of refrigerator repair services are commonly requested in Karaganda?

Common refrigerator repair services in Karaganda include fixing temperature issues, repairing water leaks, addressing compressor problems, and fixing malfunctioning ice makers.

How can I schedule a refrigerator repair service in Karaganda through inDrive.Services?

Scheduling a refrigerator repair service in Karaganda through inDrive.Services is easy. Simply visit our website, specify your location as Karaganda, and fill out the service request form with details about the issue you're experiencing.

Are refrigerator repair specialists in Karaganda available for emergency repairs?

Yes, through inDrive.Services, you can find refrigerator repair specialists in Karaganda who offer emergency repair services, ensuring that your refrigerator issues are addressed promptly.

What types of refrigerators can be repaired by specialists in Karaganda via inDrive.Services?

Specialists in Karaganda via inDrive.Services can repair various types of refrigerators, including top-freezer, bottom-freezer, side-by-side, French door, and mini-fridges.

How long does it typically take for a refrigerator repair specialist to arrive in Karaganda after requesting a service via inDrive.Services?

The arrival time of refrigerator repair specialists in Karaganda may vary depending on factors such as location and availability. However, many specialists strive to respond and arrive promptly after a service request is submitted.

Can I also request refrigerator installation services in Karaganda through inDrive.Services?

Yes, inDrive.Services offers refrigerator installation services in Karaganda. Simply specify your installation needs when filling out the service request form, and specialists will provide assistance accordingly.

Are there any benefits to using inDrive.Services for refrigerator repair and installation in Karaganda?

Yes, there are several benefits to using inDrive.Services:
  • Easy booking process: Simply fill out the service request form online to schedule refrigerator repair or installation services in Karaganda.

  • Quick response times: Receive offers from specialists within a short time frame, ensuring timely assistance.

  • Verified specialists: Rest assured that all specialists undergo thorough verification processes to ensure quality service.
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‘Reparo e manutenção de frigoríficos’

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