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Air conditioner repair Medellin

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R$ 35

Ana P.5.0(29)

R$ 40

Marcos L.5.0(32)

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Com o serviço "Reparo e instalação de ar condicionado" na cidade de Medellin

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'Conserto de ar-condicionado' na cidade de Medellin

What does AC repair typically include in Medellin?

In order to properly diagnose and repair an air conditioner in Medellin, the problem must first be thoroughly inspected. Then, the air filter must be cleaned or replaced, the refrigerant must be checked and refilled, the thermostat and controls must be examined, and all electrical parts must be checked and functioning properly. In addition, technicians may inspect for leaks, clean the coils in the condenser and evaporator, and make sure the airflow is unhindered. To improve the efficiency and performance of the AC unit, it may occasionally be necessary to replace or repair components such the fan motor, compressor, or capacitors.

Why is my AC running but not cooling?

There are various reasons why your air conditioner can be operating but not cooling. Low refrigerant levels are a common problem that might hinder the air conditioner's ability to cool the air efficiently. A filthy air filter is an additional issue that may limit airflow and lower cooling effectiveness. This problem may also be caused by malfunctioning or incorrectly configured thermostats. Furthermore, obstructed heat exchange in condenser or evaporator coils can lead to insufficient cooling. To make sure the air conditioning machine operates correctly, it's crucial to have a professional evaluate and identify the issue.
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