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Beard haircut Medellin

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R$ 35

Ana P.5.0(29)

R$ 40

Marcos L.5.0(32)

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Com o serviço "Barbeiros" na cidade de Medellin

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Perguntas frequentes

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How should I cut my beard?

When cutting your beard, be sure to start with clean, dry facial hair. Begin by defining the neckline, which should be around one finger's breadth above your Adam's apple. This provides a neat line between your beard and neck, improving your overall appearance. Next, trim along the cheek line, following your beard's natural growth pattern. This promotes a natural and balanced appearance by ensuring symmetry on all sides of your face. Trim the beard gradually to the desired length using sharp scissors or a high-quality trimmer. Remember to start conservatively and modify as needed to avoid cutting too much. Regular maintenance every few days will keep your beard appearing neat and well-groomed, allowing you to get the desired look that matches your facial features.

What is the average cost of a beard trim in Medellin?

A beard trim in Medellin usually costs between 30,000 and 50,000 Colombian pesos. The location and ambiance of the salon, the experience and reputation of the barber, and any extra services rendered during the grooming session can all affect the price. Certain barbers might provide packages that contain materials for shaping beards, such as oils or waxes. This lowers overall expenses while also having a positive impact on the health and appearance of the beard.
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