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"Eletricistas" em Павлодар
Нурлан Е.
6 comentários
16 pedidos
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Опыт работы выше 20 лет монтаж и демонтаж старой проводки, замена автоматов,выключатели розетки.
Советую специалиста. Нужен был ремонт стабилизотора. Приехал оперативно, нашел причину и сделал.
Ануар, há 10 dias
Даурен К.
11 comentários
24 pedidos
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Опыт работы по электрике 6 лет ремонт установка люстры розетки и другие. А также разные виды работы установка двери ремонт компьютеров крч универсал
Жұмысы өте ұнады.Өз ісінің маманы екен. Керемет, рахмет үлкен!
Aishat Iskabulova, há 12 dias
Артур Р.
12 comentários
17 pedidos
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Услуга электрика: Замена счетчики,автоматы, кабеля,выключателей, разеток. Ревизия электрооборудования.
Услуга сантехника:Замена пластиковый трубы канализации и водяной. Установка и подключение сантехническии оборудования. Опыт работы 10 лет.
Быстро наладили электричество, заменили розетку, чисто и аккуратно. Розетку купили по просьбе какую нужно. Супер, спасибо
Андрей, há 13 dias
Muitos especialistas bem avaliados verão seu pedido
As pessoas estão vendo também
Com o serviço "Eletricistas" na cidade de Павлодар
What electrical services can be found in Pavlodar?
Electricians in Pavlodar offer a wide range of services, including installation and repair of electrical appliances, electrical systems, lighting, and much more.
How can I hire an electrician in Pavlodar through inDrive.Services?
Finding a suitable electrician in Pavlodar on our platform is as easy as making a wish. Just follow these steps:
Register on our website or mobile application.
Specify Pavlodar as your location and choose the category "Electrician".
Fill out a brief form with details of your request.
Submit the request and start receiving offers from electricians within 5 minutes*.
Can I find an electrician in Pavlodar for an urgent task?
Yes, through inDrive.Services, you can find an electrician in Pavlodar for both regular maintenance and urgent electrical assistance. Many electricians offer flexible schedules and can provide assistance even in critical situations.
What factors influence the cost of electrical services in Pavlodar?
The cost of electrical services in Pavlodar may depend on various factors such as the type of work, complexity of the task, materials used, and the time taken to complete the work.
How can I be sure of the quality of work done by an electrician found through inDrive.Services?
We thoroughly vet all electricians before they appear on our platform. This includes checking their documents. You can also review ratings and reviews of each electrician's work left by other clients to make an informed decision.