Você está em Павлодар?

Flat and house renovation in Pavlodar

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7 especialistas responderam.
Escolha o melhor

R$ 35

Ana P.5.0(29)

R$ 40

Marcos L.5.0(32)

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Os especialistas avaliaram
4.0 e acima no serviço “Reparos em apartamentos e casas”

Crie pedidos e receba feedback destes e de outros especialistas

Нурлан И.
Identidade verificada

32 pedidos19 comentários

Último comentário

Рахмет большой, за работу. Все быстро, практично и профессионально сделали. Хороших клиентов Вам!

Артем С.
Identidade verificada

119 pedidos87 comentários

Último comentário

Все быстро сделал, всегда на связи, спасибо 👍

Жандаулет Б.
Identidade verificada

13 pedidos10 comentários

Último comentário

Очень ответственный парень, сделал балкон быстро и качественно, претензий к его работе не имею.

Аскар Ю.
Identidade verificada

2 pedidos2 comentários

Último comentário

Спасибо заказ сделали в срок как договаривались.

As pessoas estão vendo também

Com o serviço "Reparos em apartamentos e casas" na cidade de Павлодар

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Serviços em Павлодар



Perguntas frequentes

'Reparos em apartamentos e casas' na cidade de Павлодар

What services can be found for flat and house renovation in Pavlodar?

Services for flat and house renovation in Pavlodar encompass a wide range of needs, including interior and exterior remodeling, painting, flooring installation, plumbing, electrical work, carpentry, and more.

Why should I choose professional renovation services in Pavlodar?

We prioritize excellence in customer service and ensure that our renovation specialists are thoroughly vetted and trained to deliver high-quality service. By choosing professional renovation services, you can ensure expert craftsmanship, attention to detail, and convenience throughout the renovation process.

How do I hire a renovation specialist in Pavlodar?

Hiring a renovation specialist in Pavlodar is simple and convenient:
  • Fill out a quick form on our website or contact us directly.

  • Receive proposals from specialists within a short time after publishing the order.

  • Contact the chosen specialist directly via WhatsApp or by phone to discuss the details of your renovation project.

What are the payment options for renovation services in Pavlodar?

All payments go directly from the client to the specialist. You can choose to pay by cash, bank transfer, or any other convenient method for you and the specialist.

Can I schedule renovation services for specific dates and times?

Yes, you can schedule renovation services for any date and time that is convenient for you. Whether you need a one-time renovation project or ongoing work, specialists are ready to assist you at your preferred time.

Can I request additional services not included in the standard renovation package?

Yes, you can customize your renovation package to include any additional services you may need. Simply let the specialists know your requirements in the order form.

How do I provide feedback about the renovation service?

We value your feedback! If you have any comments or concerns about the renovation service, please don't hesitate to contact us directly. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we will work to resolve any issues promptly.

Are there any benefits of finding specialists using our renovation service?

Absolutely! Here are the benefits of using our renovation service:
  • Quick and easy ordering process: Submit your request effortlessly.

  • Prompt responses from specialists: Receive proposals promptly after submitting your order.

  • Informed decision-making: Choose a specialist based on ratings, reviews, portfolios, or competitive pricing.

  • Verified experts: Every specialist on our platform undergoes a thorough verification process to ensure quality service.

  • Personalized experience: Set and agree on the price and select the ideal specialist for your specific renovation needs.

Experience the convenience and efficiency of obtaining high-quality renovation services with us!
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