Você está em Уральск?

Reparo e instalação de televisores em Уральск

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"Reparo e instalação de televisores" em Уральск

Куанткан Б.

3 comentários
4 pedidos
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Опыт работы в сфере 10лет ремонт телевизоров стиральная машина пылесос ремонт бытовой техники на дому выез течение часа
специалист мастер своего дела, он хорошо разбирается в телевизорах, не то что другие которые на словах, всем советую его
Амин Серик, há 8 meses

Ринат Д.

44 comentários
49 pedidos
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⚡Вызов 2000⚡ Господа заказчики звоните пишите вацапп для оговорки цены так как много подают заявки сами электрики, чтоб узнать ценовую категорию я цену в отклике не указываю. Электромонтажные работы 8 лет стаж. Ремонт электробытовой техники 10 лет стаж. ЗАМЕНА : Розетки. розетка плиты. выключатели. автоматы 3-х полюсные 1-2-х полюсные Замена пакетник на автомат 1-2-х полюсной Диагностика быт. техники Выявления КЗ или обрыва отсутствия питания в электропроводки Замена проводки полностью и частично. Устранение короткого замыкания и отсутствия питания. Замена счётчиков 1 и 3-х фазный. Установка контроля фаз 1 и 3-х фазный . Замена электро шкафов Ремонт бытовой техники замена элементов использующихся с водой вышедших из строя допускающих гуляния фазы по бытовой техники (щипание током) Ремонт телевизоров.
Все поломки устранил, все сделал быстро и качественно, все объяснил, дал рекомендации, вообщем Мастер своего дела!!
Ангелина, há 7 meses


216 comentários
297 pedidos
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Сборка и монтаж люстр, осветительных приборов , подсветка зеркал и кухонных. Ремонт и настройка ПК, ноутбуков, ремонт и установка телевизоров и бытовой техники, установка дверных ручек и замков. Установка смесителя, монтаж водонагревателя . Сборка мебели любой сложности. Со своими инструментами. МАСТЕР НА ВСЕ РУКИ
Супер ,,,мастер своего дела ! Быстро аккуратно, профессионально! Успехов в работе желаю по больше Вам благодарных клиентов !!!
Асель, há 4 meses
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Perguntas frequentes

'Reparo e instalação de televisores' na cidade de Уральск

What are the benefits of using inDrive.Services for finding a TV repair service in Uralsk?

inDrive.Services offers several advantages:
  • Convenience: Easily find and connect with verified TV repair specialists without the hassle of searching extensively.

  • Quick response: Receive proposals from qualified experts in a short time after submitting your request, typically within about 5 minutes**.

  • Variety of options: Access a diverse pool of skilled technicians specializing in TV repair, allowing you to choose the best fit for your needs.

  • Transparent process: Communicate directly with the selected technician, discuss requirements, and clarify any doubts before proceeding.

  • Trusted professionals: All specialists undergo thorough verification processes, ensuring reliability and quality service.

What types of TV repair services are available in Uralsk through inDrive.Services?

TV repair specialists in Uralsk offer a range of services, including diagnosing and fixing issues with picture quality, sound problems, power failures, connectivity issues, and more. They can also provide routine maintenance, component replacement, and calibration services.

How can I initiate the process of finding a TV repair technician in Uralsk on inDrive.Services?

Begin by filling out a brief form detailing your TV's issues and your preferences. You can specify the brand, model, and nature of the problem. Once submitted, qualified technicians will start sending proposals within about 5 minutes**. You can then review their offers and select the most suitable one.

Are the TV repair specialists on inDrive.Services reliable and experienced?

Yes, all technicians on inDrive.Services undergo rigorous verification processes to ensure their expertise and reliability. This includes background checks and verification of qualifications to provide customers with trusted and skilled professionals.

How long does it usually take to have my TV repaired through inDrive.Services in Uralsk?

The repair duration varies depending on the complexity of the issue and the availability of parts. However, technicians strive to complete repairs promptly while maintaining quality standards. You can discuss timelines directly with the selected specialist.

Can I track the progress of my TV repair service through inDrive.Services?

Yes, you can maintain direct communication with the chosen technician throughout the repair process. They will provide updates on the progress, any challenges encountered, and estimated completion times.

What if I'm not satisfied with the TV repair service provided through inDrive.Services?

If you're not satisfied with the service, you can discuss your concerns directly with the technician. They will work with you to address any issues and ensure your satisfaction. Additionally, you can leave a review and rating to help others make informed decisions.

Are there any hidden fees associated with using inDrive.Services to find a TV repair service in Uralsk?

No, there are no hidden fees. The cost of the repair service will be communicated transparently by the technician before you finalize the agreement. You can negotiate and discuss pricing details directly with the specialist.

Can I book a TV repair service on inDrive.Services for a specific time and date?

Yes, you can specify your preferred date and time for the repair service when submitting your request. Technicians will try to accommodate your schedule and arrange the service accordingly.

How can I pay for the TV repair service booked through inDrive.Services?

Payment methods vary depending on the technician's preferences. You can discuss payment options directly with the chosen specialist. Typically, payments are made after the service is completed, ensuring satisfaction before finalizing the transaction.
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